g (F# f) =
        let w     = W32# (unsafeCoerce# f)

Why does GHC even accept this code?
I think unsafeCoerce# is not intended to be able to coerce unboxed values.

Prelude GHC.Base> :t unsafeCoerce#
unsafeCoerce# :: forall b a. a -> b

The type variables a and b are supposed to be of kind *, and f is of kind #.
If we have any other function of type a -> b, for example

foo :: a -> b
foo _ = undefined

Then GHCi rejects "foo 1.0#" and prints:

    Couldn't match kind `*' against `#'
    When matching the kinds of `t :: *' and `Float# :: #'
      Expected type: t
      Inferred type: Float#
    In the first argument of `foo', namely `1.0#'



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