$ ghc --make Vector.hs -fth
Chasing modules from: Vector.hs
[1 of 2] Skipping  Fu.Prepose       ( Fu/Prepose.hs, Fu/Prepose.o )
[2 of 2] Compiling Fu.Vector        ( Vector.hs, Vector.o )
ghc-6.5.20051208: panic! (the `impossible' happened, GHC version 6.5.20051208):
        Failed binder lookup: b{tv a1hL}

Please report it as a compiler bug to glasgow-haskell-bugs@haskell.org,
or http://sourceforge.net/projects/ghc/.
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
module Fu.Vector where

import System.IO.Unsafe
import Control.Exception
import Data.Ix
import Data.Array.IO
import qualified Data.Array as Array
import Data.Array hiding ((!))
import Fu.Prepose hiding (__)
import Prelude hiding (sum)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import qualified Data.List

__ = __

data L n = L Int deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
unL l@(L x) = check l x

checkBounds :: ReflectNum n => L n -> a -> a
checkBounds (l::L n) y =
    if l < (L 0) || l > maxBound then
        error ("Value "++show l++" out of bounds for L "++(show $ (maxBound :: 
L n)))
    else y

-- need Ord too?
class (Bounded a, Ix a, Eq a, Show a) => IxB a

instance (Bounded a, Ix a, Eq a, Show a) => IxB a

--instance (IxB a, IxB b) => IxB (a,b)

--instance IxB ()

instance (Bounded a, Bounded b) => Bounded (Either a b) where
    minBound = Left minBound
    maxBound = Right maxBound

instance (IxB a, IxB b) => Ix (Either a b) where
    range (Left x, Left y) = map Left $ range (x,y)
    range (Right x, Right y) = map Right $ range (x,y)
    range (Left x, Right y) =
        (map Left $ range (x,maxBound))++
        (map Right $ range (minBound,y))
    range (Right _, Left _) = error "range endpoints out of order"
    index (Left x, Left y) (Left z) = index (x,y) z
    index (Left x, Left y) (Right z) = error "out of bounds"
    index (Right x, Right y) (Right z) = index (x,y) z
    index (Right x, Right y) (Left z) = error "out of bounds"
    index (Left x, Right y) (Left z) = index (x,maxBound) z
    index (Left x, Right y) (Right z) =
        rangeSize (x,maxBound) + index (minBound,y) z
    index (Right _, Left _) _ = error "range endpoints out of order"
    inRange (x,y) z = (x<=z) && (z<=y)

--instance (IxB a, IxB b) => IxB (Either a b)

domain :: IxB a => [a]
domain = range (minBound, maxBound)

instance ReflectNum n => Bounded (L n) where
    minBound = L 0
    maxBound = L $ reflectNum (__ :: n) - 1

instance ReflectNum n => Check (L n) where
    check l = checkBounds l

class Check a where
    check :: a -> (b -> b)

instance ReflectNum n => Ix (L n) where
    index (a, b) (c) = index (unL a, unL b) (unL c)
    range (a, b) = map L $ range (unL a, unL b)
    inRange (a, b) c = inRange (unL a, unL b) (unL c)
    rangeSize (a, b) = rangeSize (unL a, unL b)

-- needed?
type One = Succ Zero

-- needed?
-- singleton domain
type S = L One

-- needed?
-- empty domain
type Z = L Zero

-- like Array but uses IxB instead of Ix
newtype Vector k i = Vector (Array.Array i k) deriving (Eq, Show)

type Matrix k a b = Vector k (a,b)

boundaries :: Bounded a => (a,a)
boundaries = (minBound, maxBound)

vector :: IxB a => (a -> k) -> Vector k a
vector f = Vector
    (array boundaries (map (\i -> (i, f i)) domain))

(!) :: IxB a => Vector k a -> a -> k
(!) (Vector ax) i = (Array.!) ax i

slice :: (IxB a, IxB b) => Vector k a -> (b -> a) -> Vector k b
slice v f = vector ((v!) . f)

updateArray ax i f = do
    e <- readArray ax i
    writeArray ax i (f e)

margin :: (IxB a, IxB b, Num k) => Vector k a -> (a -> b) -> Vector k b
margin (Vector v) f = unsafePerformIO $ (do
    (ax::IOArray a k) <- newArray (minBound, maxBound) 0
    mapM_ (\ (i,x) -> updateArray ax (f i) (+x)) (assocs v)
    ac <- getAssocs ax
    return $ Vector $ array boundaries ac

-- terminal map
terminal :: a -> ()
terminal x = ()

sum :: (IxB a, Num k) => Vector k a -> k
sum v = margin v (const ()) ! ()

diag :: a -> (a,a)
diag x = (x,x)

trace m = sum $ slice m diag

-- initial map
initial :: Z -> a
initial _ = undefined

(*>) :: (Num k, IxB a, IxB b, IxB c) => Matrix k a b -> Matrix k b c -> Matrix 
k a c
(*>) m n =
    vector (\ (i,k) -> Data.List.sum $ map (\j -> m ! (i,j) + n ! (j,k)) domain)

mapv :: (IxB a) => (k -> l) -> Vector k a -> Vector l a
mapv f v = vector (\i -> f (v!i))

mapv2 :: (IxB a) => (k -> l -> m) -> Vector k a -> Vector l a -> Vector m a
mapv2 f u v = vector (\i -> f (u!i) (v!i))

-- element-wise operations
instance (Num k, IxB a) => Num (Vector k a) where
    (+) = mapv2 (+)
    (-) = mapv2 (-)
    (*) = mapv2 (*)
    negate = mapv negate
    signum = mapv signum
    abs = mapv abs
    fromInteger n = (fromInteger n) .* ones

-- should probably be able to do this in constant time
vec :: (Num k, IxB a, IxB b) => Matrix k a b -> Matrix k (a,b) S
vec m = slice m (\ ((i,j),_) -> (i,j))

-- better name?
inv :: (RealFrac k, IxB a) => Matrix k a a -> Matrix k a a
inv = undefined

-- need least squares operator: />?

det :: (Num k, IxB a) => Matrix k a a -> k
det = undefined

-- should reorder type args so this can be a Functor
mapm :: (IxB a, IxB b) => (k -> l) -> Matrix k a b -> Matrix l a b
-- in fact should it be a Monad? could be similar but types would need to change
mapm = mapv

vlen :: IxB a => Vector k a -> Int
vlen (v::Vector k a) = rangeSize $ (boundaries :: (a,a))

unif :: (Fractional k, IxB a) => Vector k a
unif = v
        p = 1/(fromIntegral $ vlen v)
        v = vector (const p)

ones :: (Num k, IxB a) => Vector k a
ones = vector (const 1)

zeros :: (Num k, IxB a) => Vector k a
zeros = vector (const 0)

(.*) :: (Num k, IxB a) => k -> Vector k a -> Vector k a
(.*) x v = vector (\i -> x*v!i)

normalize :: Vector k a -> Vector k a
normalize = undefined

concat :: (IxB a, IxB b) => Vector k a -> Vector k b -> Vector k (Either a b)
concat u v = vector $ \i ->
  case i of
    Left j -> u!j
    Right k -> v!k

kronecker :: (IxB a, IxB b, Num k) => Vector k a -> Vector k b -> Vector k (a,b)
kronecker u v = vector (\(i,j) -> u!i * v!j)

-- range
(|>) :: (IxB a, IxB b) => Vector k b -> Vector b a -> Vector k a
(|>) u ix = vector (\i -> u ! (ix ! i))

(||>) :: (IxB a, IxB b, IxB c, IxB d) => Matrix k c d -> (Vector c a, Vector d 
b) -> Matrix k a b
(||>) m (ix0, ix1) = vector (\ (i,j) -> m ! (ix0 ! i, ix1 ! j))

-- modify just the 'true' entries of the argument
subsetModify :: Vector k b -> (b -> Bool) -> (forall a . Vector k a -> Vector k 
a) -> Vector k b
subsetModify = undefined

filterModify :: Vector k b -> (k -> b -> Bool) -> (forall a . Vector k a -> 
Vector k a) -> Vector k b
filterModify = undefined

-- need to inject values into a vector...

-- permutations, size is n!
data Perm n = Perm (Vector (L n) (L n))

--det :: (Num k, IxB a) => Matrix a a k -> k

listVec :: [k] -> (forall a . IxB a => Vector k a -> w) -> w
listVec (l::[k]) f =
  let n = length l in
  reifyIntegral n (\ (_::rn) ->
      f (listToVec l::Vector k (L rn)))

vecQ :: Lift k => [k] -> Q Exp
vecQ (l::[k]) =
  let n = length l in
  reifyIntegral n (\ (x::rn) ->
    let r = T x
        rt = [| r |] in
    [| let (_::b) = $(rt) in listToVec l::Vector k (L b) |])

listToVec :: IxB a => [k] -> Vector k a
listToVec l::Vector k a = (v::Vector k a)
    v = assert (length l == vlen v) $
        Vector $ listArray (boundaries :: (a,a)) l

--listMat :: [[k]] -> (forall a b . (IxB a, IxB b) => Matrix k (a,b) -> w) -> w

main = undefined

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}

-- Big comment:

-- Note that the terms "reify" and "reflect" may seem to be used in a way
-- which is the reverse of what one might intuit! Here, the
-- representation of a number in type-level binary is considered "real". 
-- Thus to turn a value into a type-level term is to "reify" it; to go
-- the other way is to "reflect".

module Fu.Prepose where

import System.IO.Unsafe       (unsafePerformIO)
import Control.Exception      (handle, handleJust, errorCalls)
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils  (with, new)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array  (peekArray, pokeArray)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc  (alloca)
import Foreign.Ptr            (Ptr, castPtr)
import Foreign.Storable       (Storable(sizeOf, peek))
import Foreign.C.Types        (CChar)
import Foreign.StablePtr      (StablePtr, newStablePtr,
                               deRefStablePtr, freeStablePtr)
import Data.Bits              (Bits(..))
import Prelude hiding         (getLine)

import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (reify)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax hiding (reify)

import Debug.Trace

newtype Modulus s a  =  Modulus a  deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype M s a        =  M a        deriving (Eq, Show)

unM :: M s a -> a
unM (M a) = a

__ = __

class Modular s a | s -> a where modulus :: s -> a

normalize :: (Modular s a, Integral a) => a -> M s a
normalize a :: M s a = M (mod a (modulus (__ :: s)))

instance (Modular s a, Integral a) => Num (M s a) where
  M a + M b      =  normalize (a + b)
  M a - M b      =  normalize (a - b)
  M a * M b      =  normalize (a * b)
  negate (M a)   =  normalize (negate a)
  fromInteger i  =  normalize (fromInteger i)
  signum         =  error "Modular numbers are not signed"
  abs            =  error "Modular numbers are not signed"

aaa (M a :: M s1 a) (M b :: M s2 a) = normalize (a + b) :: M s1 a
    where _ = [__::s1, __ :: s2]  -- make sure input moduli are equal

withModulus :: a -> (forall s. Modular s a => s -> w) -> w

data Zero; data Twice s; data Succ s; data Pred s

data Positive s; data Negative s; data TwiceSucc s


class GetType s where
  getType :: s -> Type

instance GetType (Zero) where
  getType _ = ConT $ mkName "Zero"

instance GetType s => GetType (Twice s) where
  getType _ = AppT (ConT $ mkName "Twice") (getType (__ :: s))

instance GetType s => GetType (Succ s) where
  getType _ = AppT (ConT $ mkName "Succ") (getType (__ :: s))

instance GetType s => GetType (Pred s) where
  getType _ = AppT (ConT $ mkName "Pred") (getType (__ :: s))

instance GetType s => GetType (Positive s) where
  getType _ = AppT (ConT $ mkName "Positive") (getType (__ :: s))

instance GetType s => GetType (Negative s) where
  getType _ = AppT (ConT $ mkName "Negative") (getType (__ :: s))

instance GetType s => GetType (TwiceSucc s) where
  getType _ = AppT (ConT $ mkName "TwiceSucc") (getType (__ :: s))

data T s = T s

instance GetType s => Lift (T s) where
  lift _ = return $ SigE undE (getType (__ :: s))

undE = VarE $ mkName "undefined"


class GetType s => ReflectUnsigned s where reflectUnsigned :: Num a => s -> a
instance                        ReflectUnsigned Zero where
  reflectUnsigned _  =  0
instance ReflectUnsigned s  =>  ReflectUnsigned (Twice s) where
  reflectUnsigned _  =  reflectUnsigned (__ :: s) * 2
instance ReflectUnsigned s  =>  ReflectUnsigned (TwiceSucc s) where
  reflectUnsigned _  =  reflectUnsigned (__ :: s) * 2 + 1

instance ReflectUnsigned s  =>  ReflectNum (Positive s) where
  reflectNum _       =  reflectUnsigned (__ :: s)
instance ReflectUnsigned s  =>  ReflectNum (Negative s) where
  reflectNum _       =  -1 - reflectUnsigned (__ :: s)

class GetType s => ReflectNum s where reflectNum :: Num a => s -> a
instance                   ReflectNum Zero where
  reflectNum _  =  0
instance ReflectNum s  =>  ReflectNum (Twice s) where
  reflectNum _  =  reflectNum (__ :: s) * 2
instance ReflectNum s  =>  ReflectNum (Succ s) where
  reflectNum _  =  reflectNum (__ :: s) + 1
instance ReflectNum s  =>  ReflectNum (Pred s) where
  reflectNum _  =  reflectNum (__ :: s) - 1

reifyIntegral  ::  Integral a =>
                     a -> (forall s. ReflectNum s => s -> w) -> w
reifyIntegral i k = --(trace $ "reifyIntegral "++show i) $
    case quotRem i 2 of
  (0,   0) -> k (__ :: Zero)
  (0,   1) -> k (__ :: Succ Zero)
  (0,-  1) -> k (__ :: Pred Zero)
  (j,   0) -> reifyIntegral j (\ (_ :: s) -> k (__ :: Twice s))
  (j,   1) -> reifyIntegral j (\ (_ :: s) -> k (__ :: Succ (Twice s)))
  (j,-  1) -> reifyIntegral j (\ (_ :: s) -> k (__ :: Pred (Twice s)))

data ModulusNum s a

instance  (ReflectNum s, Num a) =>
            Modular (ModulusNum s a) a where
  modulus _ = reflectNum (__ :: s)

withIntegralModulus  ::  Integral a =>
                         a -> (forall s. Modular s a => s -> w) -> w
withIntegralModulus i k =
  reifyIntegral i (\(_ :: s) -> k (__ :: ModulusNum s a))

data Nil; data Cons s ss

class ReflectNums ss where reflectNums :: Num a => ss -> [a]
instance  ReflectNums Nil where
  reflectNums _ = []
instance  (ReflectNum s, ReflectNums ss) =>
            ReflectNums (Cons s ss) where
  reflectNums _ = reflectNum (__ :: s) : reflectNums (__ :: ss)

reifyIntegrals  ::  Integral a =>
                      [a] -> (forall ss. ReflectNums ss => ss -> w) -> w
reifyIntegrals []      k  =  k (__ :: Nil)
reifyIntegrals (i:ii)  k  =  reifyIntegral i (\(_ :: s) ->
                               reifyIntegrals ii (\(_ :: ss) ->
                                 k (__ :: Cons s ss)))

type Byte   = CChar

data Store s a

class ReflectStorable s where
  reflectStorable :: Storable a => s a -> a
instance ReflectNums s => ReflectStorable (Store s) where
  reflectStorable _  =  unsafePerformIO
                     $  alloca
                     $  \p -> do  pokeArray (castPtr p) bytes
                                  peek p
    where bytes  =  reflectNums (__ :: s) :: [Byte]

reifyStorable  ::  Storable a =>
                      a -> (forall s. ReflectStorable s => s a -> w) -> w
reifyStorable a k =
  reifyIntegrals (bytes :: [Byte]) (\(_ :: s) -> k (__ :: Store s a))
    where bytes  =  unsafePerformIO
                 $  with a (peekArray (sizeOf a) . castPtr)

class Reflect s a | s -> a where reflect :: s -> a

data Stable (s :: * -> *) a

instance ReflectStorable s => Reflect (Stable s a) a where
  reflect  =   unsafePerformIO
           $   do  a <- deRefStablePtr p
                   return (const a)
    where p = reflectStorable (__ :: s p)

reify :: a -> (forall s. Reflect s a => s -> w) -> w
reify (a :: a) k  =  unsafePerformIO
                  $  do  p <- newStablePtr a
                         reifyStorable p   (\(_ :: s p) ->
                                              k' (__ :: Stable s a))
    where k' s = return (k s)

data ModulusAny s

instance Reflect s a => Modular (ModulusAny s) a where
  modulus _ = reflect (__ :: s)

withModulus a k = reify a (\(_ :: s) -> k (__ :: ModulusAny s))

withIntegralModulus'  ::  Integral a =>
                          a -> (forall s. Modular s a => M s w) -> w
withIntegralModulus' (i::a) k :: w =
  reifyIntegral i (  \(_ :: t) ->
                       unM (k :: M (ModulusNum t a) w))

test4'  ::  (Modular s a, Integral a) => M s a
test4'  =   3*3 + 5*5
test4   =   withIntegralModulus' 4 test4'

data Even p q u v a = E a a deriving (Eq, Show)

normalizeEven :: (  ReflectNum p, ReflectNum q, Integral a,
                      Bits a) => a -> a -> Even p q u v a
normalizeEven a b :: Even p q u v a =
  E  (a .&. (shiftL 1 (reflectNum (__ :: p)) - 1))   -- $a \bmod 2^p$
     (mod b (reflectNum (__ :: q)))                  -- $b \bmod q$

instance (  ReflectNum p, ReflectNum q,
            ReflectNum u, ReflectNum v,
            Integral a, Bits a) => Num (Even p q u v a) where
    E a1 b1  +   E a2 b2  =  normalizeEven  (a1  +  a2)  (b1  +  b2)

    E a1 b1  -   E a2 b2  =  normalizeEven  (a1  -  a2)  (b1  -  b2)
    E a1 b1  *   E a2 b2  =  normalizeEven  (a1  *  a2)  (b1  *  b2)
    negate (E a b)        =  normalizeEven  (-a)         (-b)
    fromInteger i         =  normalizeEven  (fromInteger i)
                                            (fromInteger i)
    signum                =  error "Modular numbers are not signed"
    abs                   =  error "Modular numbers are not signed"

gcd' x 0 = []
gcd' x y = (x `div` y) : (gcd' y (x `mod` y))

-- chinese remainder theorem
crt a b =
    let (c,d) = snd $ foldl (\ ((a,b),(a',b')) p -> ((-(a*p+a'),b*p+b'),(-a,b)))
                ((1,0),(0,1)) (gcd' a b)
    in (-c*b,d*a)

withIntegralModulus'' ::  (Integral a, Bits a) =>
                            a -> (forall s. Num (s a) => s a) -> a
withIntegralModulus'' (i::a) k = case factor 0 i of
    (0,  i)  ->  withIntegralModulus' i k             -- odd case
    (p,  q)  ->  let (u, v) = crt (2^p) q in                -- even case: $i = 
2^p q$
--                    trace ("(u,v)="++show(u,v)) $
                   reifyIntegral p  (\(_::p  ) ->
                   reifyIntegral q  (\(_::q  ) ->
                   reifyIntegral u  (\(_::u  ) ->
                   reifyIntegral v  (\(_::v  ) ->
                   unEven (k :: Even p q u v a)))))

factor :: (Num p, Integral q) => p -> q -> (p, q)
factor p i = case quotRem i 2 of
    (0,  0)  ->  (0, 0)          -- just zero
    (j,  0)  ->  factor (p+1) j  -- accumulate powers of two
    _        ->  (p, i)          -- not even

unEven ::(  ReflectNum p, ReflectNum q, ReflectNum u,
  ReflectNum v, Integral a, Bits a) => Even p q u v a -> a
unEven (E a b :: Even p q u v a) = -- trace "unEven" $
  mod  (a * (reflectNum (__ :: u)) + b * (reflectNum (__ :: v)))
       (shiftL (reflectNum (__ :: q)) (reflectNum (__ :: p)))

test5  ::  Num (s a) => s a
test5  =   1000*1000 + 513*513

test5'   =  withIntegralModulus'' 1279 test5 :: Integer
test5''  =  withIntegralModulus'' 1280 test5 :: Integer

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