On Thu, Aug 24, 2006 at 12:38:34PM -0700, John Meacham wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 24, 2006 at 02:26:42PM +0100, Frederik Eaton wrote:
> > Because of what you said above, it's not perfect. But it's better than
> > the default. Look, if someone is writing something to standard error,
> > it's probably because they want to accomplish something, such as
> > printing a message that the user can read, rather than just printing
> > garbage. You need a pretty compelling reason to want to make such a
> > basic part of the API useless, and so far you haven't given one.
> Well, the idea behind stderr being unbuffered, is that stderr is for
> reporting erronious conditions, if your program is going wrong, you want
> as much information as you can out of it. printing "['a','b','c'," is a
> whole lot more informative than just printing nothing, as it shows
> exactly which list member is infinitely looping. The other reason is
> principle of least surprise. stderr is pretty much always unbuffered by
> default (as in, ANSI c specifies it, and most (all?) languages with a
> concept of buffering follow suit) . I would find it quite odd for
> haskell to be different than unix norms.
> for multithreaded logging, I have always used a mutex to protect the
> logging device.

I can see what you're saying. Personally, I don't tend to write things
involving lots of computation to stderr. I've actually never
encountered an infinite loop while writing to stderr - but I have
encountered the problem with multiple threads. And I think it's just
kind of embarrassing to have "outputting garbage" be the default
behavior. I think the problem should at the very least be mentioned in
the documentation. You talk about the "principle of least surprise",
but that's quite surprising behavior...

Also, I don't see why there couldn't be some compromise - like, if a
line buffer is non-empty for more than some small amount of time, then
flush it automatically. That would solve both problems.


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