#961: Associated type synonyms not working right
    Reporter:  Samuel Bronson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |       Owner:  chak   
        Type:  bug                                 |      Status:  new    
    Priority:  normal                              |   Milestone:         
   Component:  Compiler (Type checker)             |     Version:  6.5    
    Severity:  normal                              |    Keywords:         
  Difficulty:  Unknown                             |    Testcase:         
Architecture:  Unknown                             |          Os:  Unknown
When I try to compile:

 class Foo a where
     type Bar a :: *
     aBar :: Bar a

 I get this "type error":


     Type synonym `Bar' should have 1 argument, but has been given 1
     When checking the class method: aBar :: Bar a
     In the class declaration for `Foo'

 I've tracked it down to this case in `typecheck/TcMType.lhs`:

 check_tau_type rank ubx_tup ty@(TyConApp tc tys)
   | isSynTyCon tc

 which calls `tcView`, which in turn calls `tcExpandTyCon_maybe`, which
 doesn't handle open type synonyms. (And so `Nothing` is returned down the
 line, and you get this nasty error.)

 It should be pretty easy to fix if you actually have a clue what you are
 doing ;-). So, please fix it. Then I can get back to trying to reimplement
 the MTL with ATs ;-).

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/961>
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