#964: Cross Compile and Universal Binary
    Reporter:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |       Owner:         
        Type:  feature request                  |      Status:  new    
    Priority:  normal                           |   Milestone:         
   Component:  Compiler                         |     Version:  6.6    
    Severity:  critical                         |    Keywords:         
  Difficulty:  Project (> 1 week)               |    Testcase:         
Architecture:  Multiple                         |          Os:  MacOS X
GHC supports both PowerPC and Intel Mac. And GHC site provides both
 But it seems that there is no cross compiling feature and Universal Binary

 If someone want to build Haskell application as Universal Binary:
  * first he must build Power PC and Intel Mac's binary separately,
  * then merge two binary using lipo command by hand.


 And if someone want to build Universal Binary, he must have both machine.

 It's not good.

 This problem is critical for not only Haskell Application, but also a few

 wxHaskell project supplies binary package, that is good for newbie. And it
 provides make dist command that can build binary package easyly.

 But If GHC doesn't support cross compile and Universal binary, it makes
 hard task that caused by above problems although dependencies has
 Universal Binary Support.

 So I request the feature:
  * support cross compile
  * provide GHC (core and extra) libraries as Universal Binary
  * and Cabal supports to build Universal Binary
 under Mac OS X platform.

 There are useful information to support Universal Binary.


Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/964>
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