#1007: Add parsing (and some more) to the time package
 Reporter:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |          Owner:         
     Type:  proposal                 |         Status:  new    
 Priority:  normal                   |      Milestone:         
Component:  libraries (other)        |        Version:         
 Severity:  normal                   |     Resolution:         
 Keywords:                           |     Difficulty:  Unknown
 Testcase:                           |   Architecture:  Unknown
       Os:  Unknown                  |  
Comment (by [EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Me like.

 In more detail: yes, Eq and Ord instances for ZonedTime would be very
 useful in calendaring applications, together with ranged sets.
 Furthermore, the parsing really really really is helpful.

 The printing 'enhancements' seem well argued, and imo should just go in.

 I'm not so sure about the secondsToDiffTime and picosecondsToDiffTime
 though. I like the idea of denoting difftimes with integral denotations.
 The use of fromInteger might be documented better...

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/1007>
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