#1247: Text.XHtml version is out of date?
    Reporter:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |       Owner:            
        Type:  bug                   |      Status:  new       
    Priority:  normal                |   Milestone:            
   Component:  libraries/base        |     Version:  6.6       
    Severity:  normal                |    Keywords:  Text.XHtml
  Difficulty:  Easy (1 hr)           |    Testcase:            
Architecture:  powerpc64             |          Os:  MacOS X   
I tried some first experiments with the Text.XHtml library, and I found
 that it doesn't actually produce XHTML?  Among potentially other things,
 the xmlns=.... attribute is not added to the html document element.

 I've reviewed the source that I build GHC 6.6 from, and I can see the
 omission plainly.  Nonetheless, ifif I look closely at the online sources
 in darcs, I can see that it would behave correctly.  (The "good" version
 of Internals.hs in Text/XHtml has a mkHtml function.)

 Resolution  would be simply to distribute the correct version of the

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/1247>
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