#1308: Type signature in warning is wrong
    Reporter:  guest     |        Owner:         
        Type:  bug       |       Status:  new    
    Priority:  normal    |    Milestone:         
   Component:  Compiler  |      Version:  6.7    
    Severity:  normal    |   Resolution:         
    Keywords:            |   Difficulty:  Unknown
          Os:  Windows   |     Testcase:         
Architecture:  Unknown   |  
Comment (by simonpj):

 Not obviously. `autoChart` falls under the Dreaded Monomorphism
 Restriction, so its inferred type is ''not'' `forall t. Monad t => ...`.

 It's not obvious what to report here.  I originally added a remark to
 highlight the MR point.  Would that help?  Something like:
   Warning: Definition but no type signature for `autoChart'
              Inferred type: autoChart :: t View
            NB: autoChart is monomorphic in type variable t
 In Trac #1256 Isaac wants to omit the `forall` in the displayed inferred
 type; but that would mean there was no way to distinguish `autoChart :: t
 View` from `autoChard :: forall t. t View`, which is presumably the way
 Lennart read it.

 Advice welcome.  The issue is what is most comprehensible; implementing it
 is probably easy!


Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/1308>
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