#1517: Ratio Int is not well ordered
  Reporter:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |          Owner:          
      Type:  bug                 |         Status:  new     
  Priority:  normal              |      Milestone:          
 Component:  libraries/base      |        Version:  6.6.1   
  Severity:  normal              |       Keywords:          
Difficulty:  Easy (1 hr)         |             Os:  Multiple
  Testcase:                      |   Architecture:  Multiple
Ratio Int is declared to be in class Ord, which means (according to
 Ord.html#t%3AOrd) that < should be a total ordering.  Yet consider the
 following interactive session in GHCI (on a 32 bit computer!):

 Prelude> :m + Ratio
 Prelude Ratio> let a = 1 % (2 :: Int)
 Prelude Ratio> let b = 883177231 % (662415279 :: Int)
 Prelude Ratio> let c = 1616076535 % (430549561 :: Int)
 Prelude Ratio> a < b && b < c
 Prelude Ratio> a < c

 The problem is that overflow occurs in Real.lhs (from the GHC source
 code), in the definition

 (x:%y) <  (x':%y')  =  x * y' <  x' * y

 That works for unbounded types (such as Integer).  But to define a total
 order on bounded types, a more complicated method is necessary.

 line 374, for a correct implementation in C++.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/1517>
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