#1688: Attached file causes stack overflow
  Reporter:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |          Owner:         
      Type:  bug                 |         Status:  new    
  Priority:  normal              |      Milestone:         
 Component:  Compiler            |        Version:  6.7    
  Severity:  normal              |       Keywords:         
Difficulty:  Unknown             |             Os:  Windows
  Testcase:                      |   Architecture:  x86    
The code below is from the paper "Functional Pearl: Implicit
 Configurations" found at
 http://www.cs.rutgers.edu/~ccshan/prepose/prepose.lhs. When compiled with
 GHC 6.7.20070816 on Windows XP using:

   ghc --make implicit_config.hs

 A stack overflow results.

 --------------- cut here ----------------
 {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
 module Prepose where

 import System.IO.Unsafe       (unsafePerformIO)
 import Control.Exception      (handle, handleJust, errorCalls)
 import Foreign.Marshal.Utils  (with, new)
 import Foreign.Marshal.Array  (peekArray, pokeArray)
 import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc  (alloca)
 import Foreign.Ptr            (Ptr, castPtr)
 import Foreign.Storable       (Storable(sizeOf, peek))
 import Foreign.C.Types        (CChar)
 import Foreign.StablePtr      (StablePtr, newStablePtr,
                                deRefStablePtr, freeStablePtr)
 import Data.Bits              (Bits(..))
 import Prelude hiding         (getLine)
 newtype Modulus s a  =  Modulus a  deriving (Eq, Show)
 newtype M s a        =  M a        deriving (Eq, Show)

 add  ::  Integral a => Modulus s a -> M s a -> M s a -> M s a
 add (Modulus m) (M a) (M b)  =  M (mod (a + b) m)

 mul  ::  Integral a => Modulus s a -> M s a -> M s a -> M s a
 mul (Modulus m) (M a) (M b)  =  M (mod (a * b) m)
 unM :: M s a -> a
 unM (M a) = a
 data AnyModulus a = forall s. AnyModulus (Modulus s a)

 makeModulus :: a -> AnyModulus a
 makeModulus a = AnyModulus (Modulus a)
 withModulus'' :: a -> (forall s. Modulus s a -> w) -> w
 withModulus'' m k = k (Modulus m)
 __ = __

 class Modular s a | s -> a where modulus :: s -> a

 normalize :: forall s a. (Modular s a, Integral a) => a -> M s a
 normalize a = M (mod a (modulus (__ :: s))) :: M s a

 instance (Modular s a, Integral a) => Num (M s a) where
   M a + M b      =  normalize (a + b)
   M a - M b      =  normalize (a - b)
   M a * M b      =  normalize (a * b)
   negate (M a)   =  normalize (negate a)
   fromInteger i  =  normalize (fromInteger i)
   signum         =  error "Modular numbers are not signed"
   abs            =  error "Modular numbers are not signed"

 withModulus :: a -> (forall s. Modular s a => s -> w) -> w
 data Zero; data Twice s; data Succ s; data Pred s
 class NumNat a
 instance NumNat (Succ Zero)
 instance NumNat  a => NumNat (Succ (Twice a))
 instance NumNat  a => NumNat (Twice a)
 class NumGood a
 instance NumGood Zero
 instance NumGood (Succ Zero)
 instance NumNat a => NumGood (Succ (Twice a))
 instance NumNat a => NumGood (Twice a)
 instance NumNat a => NumGood (Pred a)
 test_num:: NumGood a => a -> (); test_num _ = ()

 data Positive s; data Negative s; data TwiceSucc s

 class ReflectUnsigned s where reflectUnsigned :: Num a => s -> a
 instance                        ReflectUnsigned Zero where
   reflectUnsigned _  =  0
 instance ReflectUnsigned s  =>  ReflectUnsigned (Twice s) where
   reflectUnsigned _  =  reflectUnsigned (__ :: s) * 2
 instance ReflectUnsigned s  =>  ReflectUnsigned (TwiceSucc s) where
   reflectUnsigned _  =  reflectUnsigned (__ :: s) * 2 + 1

 instance ReflectUnsigned s  =>  ReflectNum (Positive s) where
   reflectNum _       =  reflectUnsigned (__ :: s)
 instance ReflectUnsigned s  =>  ReflectNum (Negative s) where
   reflectNum _       =  -1 - reflectUnsigned (__ :: s)
 class ReflectNum s where reflectNum :: Num a => s -> a
 instance                   ReflectNum Zero where
   reflectNum _  =  0
 instance ReflectNum s  =>  ReflectNum (Twice s) where
   reflectNum _  =  reflectNum (__ :: s) * 2
 instance ReflectNum s  =>  ReflectNum (Succ s) where
   reflectNum _  =  reflectNum (__ :: s) + 1
 instance ReflectNum s  =>  ReflectNum (Pred s) where
   reflectNum _  =  reflectNum (__ :: s) - 1
 reifyIntegral  ::  Integral a =>
                      a -> (forall s. ReflectNum s => s -> w) -> w
 reifyIntegral i k = case quotRem i 2 of
   (0,   0) -> k (__ :: Zero)
   (j,   0) -> reifyIntegral j (\(_ :: s) -> k (__ :: Twice s))
   (j,   1) -> reifyIntegral j (\(_ :: s) -> k (__ :: Succ (Twice s)))
   (j,-  1) -> reifyIntegral j (\(_ :: s) -> k (__ :: Pred (Twice s)))
 data ModulusNum s a

 instance  (ReflectNum s, Num a) =>
             Modular (ModulusNum s a) a where
   modulus _ = reflectNum (__ :: s)
 withIntegralModulus  ::  Integral a =>
                          a -> (forall s. Modular s a => s -> w) -> w
 withIntegralModulus i k =
   reifyIntegral i (\(_ :: s) -> k (__ :: ModulusNum s a))
 data Nil; data Cons s ss

 class ReflectNums ss where reflectNums :: Num a => ss -> [a]
 instance  ReflectNums Nil where
   reflectNums _ = []
 instance  (ReflectNum s, ReflectNums ss) =>
             ReflectNums (Cons s ss) where
   reflectNums _ = reflectNum (__ :: s) : reflectNums (__ :: ss)

 reifyIntegrals  ::  Integral a =>
                       [a] -> (forall ss. ReflectNums ss => ss -> w) -> w
 reifyIntegrals []      k  =  k (__ :: Nil)
 reifyIntegrals (i:ii)  k  =  reifyIntegral i (\(_ :: s) ->
                                reifyIntegrals ii (\(_ :: ss) ->
                                  k (__ :: Cons s ss)))
 type Byte   = CChar

 data Store s a

 class ReflectStorable s where
   reflectStorable :: Storable a => s a -> a
 instance ReflectNums s => ReflectStorable (Store s) where
   reflectStorable _  =  unsafePerformIO
                      $  alloca
                      $  \p -> do  pokeArray (castPtr p) bytes
                                   peek p
     where bytes  =  reflectNums (__ :: s) :: [Byte]

 reifyStorable  ::  Storable a =>
                       a -> (forall s. ReflectStorable s => s a -> w) -> w
 reifyStorable a k =
   reifyIntegrals (bytes :: [Byte]) (\(_ :: s) -> k (__ :: Store s a))
     where bytes  =  unsafePerformIO
                  $  with a (peekArray (sizeOf a) . castPtr)
 class Reflect s a | s -> a where reflect :: s -> a

 data Stable (s :: * -> *) a

 instance ReflectStorable s => Reflect (Stable s a) a where
   reflect  =   unsafePerformIO
            $   do  a <- deRefStablePtr p
                    return (const a)
     where p = reflectStorable (__ :: s p)

 reify :: forall a w. a -> (forall s. Reflect s a => s -> w) -> w
 reify a k  =  unsafePerformIO
                   $  do  p <- newStablePtr a
                          reifyStorable p foo
     where k' s = return (k s)
           -- foo :: ReflectStorable s => s a -> (s a -> w) -> w
           foo :: (forall s1. ReflectStorable s1 => s1 (StablePtr a) -> IO
           foo _ = k' (__ :: Stable s1 a)

 data ModulusAny s

 instance Reflect s a => Modular (ModulusAny s) a where
   modulus _ = reflect (__ :: s)

 withModulus a k = reify a (\(_ :: s) -> k (__ :: ModulusAny s))
 withIntegralModulus'  ::  forall a w. Integral a =>
                           a -> (forall s. Modular s a => M s w) -> w
 withIntegralModulus' (i::a) k {- :: w -} =
   reifyIntegral i (  \(_ :: t) ->
                        unM (k :: M (ModulusNum t a) w))

 test4'  ::  (Modular s a, Integral a) => M s a
 test4'  =   3*3 + 5*5

 test4   =   withIntegralModulus' 4 test4'
 data Even p q u v a = E a a deriving (Eq, Show)
 normalizeEven :: forall p q a u v. (ReflectNum p, ReflectNum q, Integral
                       Bits a) => a -> a -> Even p q u v a
 normalizeEven a b {- :: Even p q u v a -} =
   E  (a .&. (shiftL 1 (reflectNum (__ :: p)) - 1))   -- $a \bmod 2^p$
      (mod b (reflectNum (__ :: q)))                  -- $b \bmod q$

 instance (  ReflectNum p, ReflectNum q,
             ReflectNum u, ReflectNum v,
             Integral a, Bits a) => Num (Even p q u v a) where
     E a1 b1  +   E a2 b2  =  normalizeEven  (a1  +  a2)  (b1  +  b2)
     E a1 b1  -   E a2 b2  =  normalizeEven  (a1  -  a2)  (b1  -  b2)
     E a1 b1  *   E a2 b2  =  normalizeEven  (a1  *  a2)  (b1  *  b2)
     negate (E a b)        =  normalizeEven  (-a)         (-b)
     fromInteger i         =  normalizeEven  (fromInteger i)
                                             (fromInteger i)
     signum                =  error "Modular numbers are not signed"
     abs                   =  error "Modular numbers are not signed"
 dotsb = dotsb
 withIntegralModulus'' ::  (Integral a, Bits a) =>
                             a -> (forall s. Num (s a) => s a) -> a
 withIntegralModulus'' (i::a) k = case factor 0 i of
     (0,  i)  ->  withIntegralModulus' i k             -- odd case
     (p,  q)  ->  let (u, v) = dotsb in                -- even case: $i =
 2^p q$
                    reifyIntegral p  (\(_::p  ) ->
                    reifyIntegral q  (\(_::q  ) ->
                    reifyIntegral u  (\(_::u  ) ->
                    reifyIntegral v  (\(_::v  ) ->
                    unEven (k :: Even p q u v a)))))

 factor :: (Num p, Integral q) => p -> q -> (p, q)
 factor p i = case quotRem i 2 of
     (0,  0)  ->  (0, 0)          -- just zero
     (j,  0)  ->  factor (p+1) j  -- accumulate powers of two
     _        ->  (p, i)          -- not even

 unEven ::(  ReflectNum p, ReflectNum q, ReflectNum u,
   ReflectNum v, Integral a, Bits a) => Even p q u v a -> a
 unEven (E a b :: Even p q u v a) =
   mod  (a * (reflectNum (__ :: u)) + b * (reflectNum (__ :: v)))
        (shiftL (reflectNum (__ :: q)) (reflectNum (__ :: p)))
 test5  ::  Num (s a) => s a
 test5  =   1000*1000 + 513*513

 test5'   =  withIntegralModulus'' 1279 test5 :: Integer
 test5''  =  withIntegralModulus'' 1280 test5 :: Integer

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