#1746: GADT bug with -O2
  Reporter:  igloo     |          Owner:         
      Type:  bug       |         Status:  new    
  Priority:  normal    |      Milestone:  6.8.1  
 Component:  Compiler  |        Version:  6.8    
  Severity:  normal    |       Keywords:         
Difficulty:  Unknown   |             Os:  Unknown
  Testcase:            |   Architecture:  Unknown
 Reported by Daniel GorĂ­n in

 This module:
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
 module T where

 data T a where T :: T a -> T [a]

 class C a where
   f :: a -> ()

 instance C (T [a]) where
   f (T x@(T _)) = f x
 gives a compiler panic when compiled with `-O2`. With `-dcore-lint` we
 $ ghc -c -O2 e.hs -dcore-lint
 rm: cannot remove `e.o': No such file or directory
 rm: cannot remove `e.hi': No such file or directory
 *** Core Lint Errors: in result of SpecConstr ***
 <no location info>:
     [in body of lambda with binder co_a5Z :: [a_a5t] ~ [a_a5X]]
     a_a5X is out of scope
 *** Offending Program ***
 Rec {
 $sa_s6U :: forall a_a5t a_a60.
            ([a_a5t] ~ [a_a5X], a_a5t ~ [a_a60]) =>
            T.T a_a60 -> ()
 $sa_s6U =
   \ (@ a_a5t) (@ co_a5Z) (@ a_a60) (@ co_a62) (ds_d69 [Just B] :: T.T
 a_a60) ->
     case (T.T @ a_a5t @ a_a60 @ co_a62 ds_d69)
          `cast` (trans
                    (T.T (right co_a5Z)) (trans (T.T (right (sym co_a5Z)))
 (T.T co_a62))
                  :: T.T a_a5t ~ T.T [a_a60])
     of wild_B1 [Just B] { T.T @ a_a5X @ co_X68 ds_d67 [Just X] ->
     case ds_d67 `cast` (T.T (right (sym co_X68)) :: T.T a_a5X ~ T.T a_a60)
     of wild_Xc [Just X] { T.T @ a_X6c @ co_X6f ds_X6n [Just B] ->
       @ a_X6c
        `cast` (trans
                  (T.T (right co_X68)) (trans (T.T (right (sym co_X68)))
 (T.T co_X6f))
                :: T.T a_a60 ~ T.T [a_X6c]))
 a_s6j [LoopBreaker Nothing] :: forall a_a5t. T.T [a_a5t] -> ()
 [Arity 1
  Str: DmdType Sb
  RULES: "SC:a_s6j0" [0]
             forall {@ a_a5t @ co_a5Z @ a_a60 @ co_a62 ds_d69 [Just B] ::
 T.T a_a60}
               a_s6j @ a_a60
                     ((T.T @ a_a5t @ a_a60 @ co_a62 ds_d69)
                      `cast` (trans
                                (T.T (right co_a5Z)) (trans (T.T (right
 (sym co_a5Z))) (T.T co_a62))
                              :: T.T a_a5t ~ T.T [a_a60]))
               = $sa_s6U @ a_a5t @ co_a5Z @ a_a60 @ co_a62 ds_d69]
 a_s6j =
   \ (@ a_a5t) (ds_X6c :: T.T [a_a5t]) ->
     case ds_X6c of wild_B1 [Just B] { T.T @ a_a5X @ co_a5Z ds_d67 [Just X]
     case ds_d67 `cast` (T.T (right (sym co_a5Z)) :: T.T a_a5X ~ T.T a_a5t)
     of wild_Xc [Just X] { T.T @ a_a60 @ co_a62 ds_d69 [Just B] ->
       @ a_a60
        `cast` (trans
                  (T.T (right co_a5Z)) (trans (T.T (right (sym co_a5Z)))
 (T.T co_a62))
                :: T.T a_a5t ~ T.T [a_a60]))
 end Rec }

 T.$f1 :: forall a_a5t. T.C (T.T [a_a5t])
 [Arity 1
  Str: DmdType Sb]
 T.$f1 =
   \ (@ a_a5t) ->
     (a_s6j @ a_a5t)
     `cast` (sym ((T.:Co:TC) (T.T [a_a5t]))
             :: T.T [a_a5t] -> () ~ (T.:TC) (T.T [a_a5t]))

 *** End of Offense ***

 <no location info>:
 Compilation had errors

 This is a regression since 6.6.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/1746>
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