#1716: panic when running program from GHCi
    Reporter:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |        Owner:  chak       
        Type:  bug                         |       Status:  new        
    Priority:  normal                      |    Milestone:  6.10 branch
   Component:  Compiler                    |      Version:  6.8        
    Severity:  critical                    |   Resolution:             
    Keywords:                              |   Difficulty:  Unknown    
          Os:  Linux                       |     Testcase:             
Architecture:  x86                         |  
Changes (by simonpj):

  * owner:  => chak
  * milestone:  6.8.1 => 6.10 branch

Old description:

> To reproduce this bug please install GHC 6.8.20070916 and Gtk2Hs 0.9.12
> as currently described on
> http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Grapefruit#Building.  There is a modified
> version of the development version of Grapefruit attached.  Sorry for
> this large code example but currently I really don’t have the time to
> reduce this any further.
> Please unpack the attached file {{{bug.tar.bz2}}}, enter the directory
> {{{bug/Haskell}}} and run {{{ghci -cpp -farrows -fth -fglasgow-exts
> Examples/Simple.hs}}}.  Compilation to bytecode should be successful.
> Then enter {{{main}}} on the GHCi command line.  You should get the
> following messages:
> {{{
> ghc- panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
>   (GHC version for i386-unknown-linux):
>         nameModule arr{v a85X}
> Please report this as a GHC bug:  http://www.haskell.org/ghc/reportabug
> }}}

New description:

 '''See the reply from Simon''' which gives a simple stand-alone repro case
 for this bug.

 Original report: To reproduce this bug please install GHC 6.8.20070916 and
 Gtk2Hs 0.9.12 as currently described on
 http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Grapefruit#Building.  There is a modified
 version of the development version of Grapefruit attached.  Sorry for this
 large code example but currently I really don’t have the time to reduce
 this any further.

 Please unpack the attached file {{{bug.tar.bz2}}}, enter the directory
 {{{bug/Haskell}}} and run {{{ghci -cpp -farrows -fth -fglasgow-exts
 Examples/Simple.hs}}}.  Compilation to bytecode should be successful.
 Then enter {{{main}}} on the GHCi command line.  You should get the
 following messages:
 ghc- panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
   (GHC version for i386-unknown-linux):
         nameModule arr{v a85X}

 Please report this as a GHC bug:  http://www.haskell.org/ghc/reportabug


 Thanks for the report.  I'm not certain what the original problem is, but
 there's a definite bug that show s up when compiling `Port.hs` on the way
 to reproducing the bug.

 Below is a stand-alone cut-down version that gives a Core Lint error as a
 result of bogus evidence generation arising from type equalites.  I'm
 changing the milestone to 6.10 (since we are not advertising type
 equalities for 6.8), and changing the owner to Manuel.

 {-# OPTIONS  -fglasgow-exts #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
 module Graphics.UI.Grapefruit.Port ( ) where

     -- * Type equality
     type family TypeEq type1 type2 :: *

     typeEq :: type1 -> type2 -> TypeEq type1 type2
     typeEq _ _ = undefined

     class Singleton singleton where
         soleValue :: singleton

     class Boolean boolean

     data False

     instance Boolean False

     false :: False
     false = undefined

     data True

     instance Boolean True

     true :: True
     true = undefined

     data headName :& tail = !(Field headName) :& !tail
     infixr 1 :&

     data Field name = !name := Value name
     infix 2 :=

     -- * Names
     class (Singleton name) => Name name where
         type Value name :: *

     -- ** Isolation
     class Isolatable record lookupName where
         type Remainder record lookupName :: *

         isolate :: record -> lookupName -> (Field lookupName,Remainder
 record lookupName)

     instance (IsolatableHelper (TypeEq headName lookupName) headName tail
 lookupName) =>
              Isolatable (headName :& tail) lookupName where
         type Remainder (headName :& tail) lookupName
             = RemainderHelper (TypeEq headName lookupName) headName tail

         isolate (headField@(headName := _) :& tail) lookupName
             = isolateHelper (typeEq headName lookupName) headField tail

     class IsolatableHelper namesAreEqual headName tail lookupName where
         type RemainderHelper namesAreEqual headName tail lookupName :: *

         foo :: tail
         isolateHelper :: namesAreEqual
                       -> Field headName
                       -> tail
                       -> lookupName
                       -> (Field lookupName,RemainderHelper namesAreEqual
 headName tail lookupName)

     -- On error use lookupName and add (headName ~ lookupName) to the
     instance (headName ~ lookupName) =>
              IsolatableHelper True headName tail lookupName where
         type RemainderHelper True headName tail lookupName = tail

         isolateHelper _ headField tail _ = (headField,tail)

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/1716#comment:2>
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