#1463: Module → Package lookup in ghc-pkg?
 Reporter:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |          Owner:             
     Type:  feature request    |         Status:  new        
 Priority:  normal             |      Milestone:  6.10 branch
Component:  Compiler           |        Version:  6.6.1      
 Severity:  normal             |     Resolution:             
 Keywords:                     |     Difficulty:  Unknown    
 Testcase:                     |   Architecture:  Unknown    
       Os:  Unknown            |  
Comment (by guest):

 Replying to [comment:7 guest]:
 > it occurred to me that `ghc-pkg find-module Data.Sequence` is just a
 minor variation on `ghc-pkg list containers`, so i implemented it as such:
 > http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/cvs-ghc/2007-November/039421.html

 this addresses point 2 of this ticket.

 > it would still be nice to be able to combine multiple `ghc-pkg` queries
 into one, but i guess that would be another ticket?-)

 which is point 1 of this ticket, and also asked for in #1839, where you
 can find a patch in progress.


Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/1463#comment:9>
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