#1886: GHC API should preserve and provide access to comments
 Reporter:  claus    |          Owner:         
     Type:  bug      |         Status:  new    
 Priority:  normal   |      Milestone:         
Component:  GHC API  |        Version:  6.9    
 Severity:  normal   |       Keywords:         
 Testcase:           |   Architecture:  Unknown
       Os:  Unknown  |  
 one class of applications of the `GHC API` are program transformations
 (refactoring, source to source optimisation, partial evaluation, ..) and
 code layouters (pretty-print, 2html, syntax-colouring, ..). but, even
 ignoring layout, parsing and pretty-printing with the `GHC API` does not
 currently preserve the source (nor does it generate syntactically valid

 consider this simple test: we want to parse a module, then pretty-print it
 (we might want to adjust the layout, or switch between layout and explicit
 braces). applying the attached code to itself gives this result:
 $ /cygdrive/c/fptools/ghc/compiler/stage2/ghc-inplace -package ghc -e main
 module API where
 import DynFlags
 import GHC
 import PprTyThing
 import System.Process
 import System.IO
 import Outputable
 import Data.Maybe
 instance Num () where
     { fromInteger = undefined }
 mode = CompManager
 compileToCoreFlag = False
 writer >| cmd = runInteractiveCommand cmd >>= \ (i, o, e, p) -> writer i
 cmd |> reader = runInteractiveCommand cmd >>= \ (i, o, e, p) -> reader o
 ghcDir = "c:/fptools/ghc/compiler/stage2/ghc-inplace --print-libdir"
          (fmap dropLineEnds . hGetContents)
            dropLineEnds = filter (not . (`elem` "\r\n"))
 main = defaultErrorHandler defaultDynFlags
      $ do s <- newSession . Just =<< ghcDir
           flags <- getSessionDynFlags s
           (flags, _) <- parseDynamicFlags flags ["-package ghc"]
             GHC.defaultCleanupHandler flags
           $ do setSessionDynFlags s (flags {hscTarget = HscInterpreted})
                  addTarget s =<< guessTarget "API_Layout.hs" Nothing
                load s LoadAllTargets
                prelude <- findModule s (mkModuleName "Prelude") Nothing
                usermod <- findModule s (mkModuleName "API") Nothing
                setContext s [usermod] [prelude]
                Just cm <- checkModule s (mkModuleName "API")
                unqual <- getPrintUnqual s
                    printForUser stdout unqual $ ppr $ parsedSource cm

 this has lost all comments, including pragmas, and is syntactically

 one suggestion, to avoid upsetting the rest of `ghc`, would be to preserve
 the comments, with source locations, but to separate them from the main
 abstract syntax tree. there would also need to be a way to link ast
 fragments to comments, which might be slightly awkward. perhaps something
 -- was there a comment just preceeding the current AST fragment?
 commentsBefore :: AST -> Maybe String
 -- was there a comment immediately following the current AST fragment?
 commentsAfter :: AST -> Maybe String

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/1886>
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