#1888: Slightly confusing error message for duplicate NOINLINE pragmas
    Reporter:  tim                |       Owner:         
        Type:  bug                |      Status:  new    
    Priority:  normal             |   Milestone:         
   Component:  Compiler (Parser)  |     Version:  6.8.1  
    Severity:  trivial            |    Keywords:         
  Difficulty:  Unknown            |    Testcase:         
Architecture:  Unknown            |          Os:  Unknown
 I had some code with two NOINLINE pragmas for the same declaration:

 {-# NOINLINE foo #-}
 {-# NOINLINE foo #-}

 and I got the error message:
     Duplicate NOINLINENEVER pragma:
       UntypedEval.hs:206:0-19: {-# NOINLINENEVER foo #-}
       UntypedEval.hs:202:0-19: {-# NOINLINENEVER foo #-}

 Since I wrote {{{NOINLINE}}}, I think the error message should say
 {{{NOINLINE}}}. It's not a very big deal.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/1888>
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