#1904: strictness analyser should be smarter
    Reporter:  igloo     |       Owner:         
        Type:  bug       |      Status:  new    
    Priority:  normal    |   Milestone:  _|_    
   Component:  Compiler  |     Version:  6.8.1  
    Severity:  normal    |    Keywords:         
  Difficulty:  Unknown   |    Testcase:         
Architecture:  Unknown   |          Os:  Unknown
 This module:
 module Q (foo) where
 foo :: String -> [String] -> Bool
 #ifdef FIRST
 foo x _ | x `seq` x == "." = True
 foo x _ |         x == "." = True
 foo x xs = x `seq` any (x ==) xs
 should be compiled to the same code regardless of whether or not FIRST is
 defined. However, this is not the case; there is an extra case when FIRST
 is not defined:
 $ ghc --version
 The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.8.1
 $ ghc -fforce-recomp -ddump-simpl -cpp -O -c Q.hs -DFIRST > 1
 $ ghc -fforce-recomp -ddump-simpl -cpp -O -c Q.hs > 2
 $ diff -U 1000 1 2
 --- 1   2007-11-17 21:02:37.000000000 +0000
 +++ 2   2007-11-17 21:02:39.000000000 +0000
 @@ -1,33 +1,35 @@

  ==================== Tidy Core ====================
  Q.a :: GHC.Base.Char
   Str: DmdType m]
  Q.a = GHC.Base.C# '.'

  Q.lvl :: [GHC.Base.Char]
   Str: DmdType]
  Q.lvl = GHC.Base.: @ GHC.Base.Char Q.a (GHC.Base.[] @ GHC.Base.Char)

  Q.foo :: GHC.Base.String -> [GHC.Base.String] -> GHC.Base.Bool
  [Arity 2
   Str: DmdType SL]
  Q.foo =
 -  \ (x_a5D :: GHC.Base.String) (ds_d6y :: [GHC.Base.String]) ->
 -    case GHC.Base.eqString x_a5D Q.lvl of wild_Xc {
 +  \ (x_a5D :: GHC.Base.String) (ds_d6w :: [GHC.Base.String]) ->
 +    case GHC.Base.eqString x_a5D Q.lvl of wild_B1 {
        GHC.Base.False ->
 -       GHC.List.any @ GHC.Base.String (GHC.Base.eqString x_a5D) ds_d6y;
 +       case x_a5D of tpl_Xd { __DEFAULT ->
 +       GHC.List.any @ GHC.Base.String (GHC.Base.eqString tpl_Xd) ds_d6w
 +       };
        GHC.Base.True -> GHC.Base.True

  ==================== Tidy Core Rules ====================


 There is a little discussion in the thread where this was first reported:

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/1904>
GHC <http://www.haskell.org/ghc/>
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler
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