#1910: Native Code gen miscompiles double2Int# / float2Int# on x86_32
 Reporter:  int-e           |          Owner:  igloo      
     Type:  bug             |         Status:  closed     
 Priority:  normal          |      Milestone:  6.8.2      
Component:  Compiler (NCG)  |        Version:  6.8.1      
 Severity:  normal          |     Resolution:  fixed      
 Keywords:                  |     Difficulty:  Easy (1 hr)
 Testcase:                  |   Architecture:  x86        
       Os:  Multiple        |  
Comment (by simonmar):

 Replying to [comment:10 int-e]:
 > I see what happened. Simon, you merged the patch wrong - you changed the
 code for {{{GITOD}}} instead of {{{GDTOI}}}. I take partial blame for
 submitting a patch against the 6.8 branch instead of the head.
 > I'll attach a patch against the darcs head for your convenience.

 aargh, yes I merged the patch by hand because I encountered a darcs bug
 while trying to pull it into the HEAD (ironically enough).  Sorry about

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/1910#comment:13>
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