#1012: ghc panic with mutually recursive modules and template haskell
 Reporter:  guest             |          Owner:            
     Type:  bug               |         Status:  closed    
 Priority:  normal            |      Milestone:  6.8 branch
Component:  Template Haskell  |        Version:  6.8.2     
 Severity:  normal            |     Resolution:  fixed     
 Keywords:                    |     Difficulty:  Unknown   
 Testcase:  TH_import_loop    |   Architecture:  Multiple  
       Os:  Multiple          |  
Comment (by fons):

 Replying to [comment:11 simonpj]:
 > Simon is right: B.hs depends on C.hs, which depends on A.hs-boot.  I
 think it's quite accidental that A happens to be compiled before B in your
 "curiously enough" case, but after B in your original case.
 > All you need do is to make B depend on A, thus
 > {{{
 > {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
 > module ModuleB where
 > import ModuleC
 > import ModuleA
 > $(nothing)
 > }}}
 > and it all works fine.  Use -v to see the compilation order.

 I finally managed to solve the problem "turning around" the circular
 dependencies of my project (tranforming the SOURCE imports of the loop in
 normal onces and vice versa). However, the workaround suggested by Simon
 should work as you said.

 > Meanwhile I'll close the bug.

 As far as I understand, ghc's dependency analysis could be improved
 (otherwise a workaround would not be needed). I don't personally think
 this bug should be closed and include it as a limitation in the docs
 before considering simonmar's proposal, that is:

 ''What's happening is that the dependency analysis isn't figuring out that
 the real ModuleA must be compiled before ModuleB. I think the solution is
 something along the lines of: every module that depends on a module in a
 cycle, but is not a member of that cycle, should have an implicit
 dependency on each of the modules in the cycle. ''

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/1012#comment:12>
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