#1839: need ghc-pkg dump feature
 Reporter:  duncan           |          Owner:             
     Type:  feature request  |         Status:  new        
 Priority:  normal           |      Milestone:  6.10 branch
Component:  Compiler         |        Version:  6.8.1      
 Severity:  normal           |     Resolution:             
 Keywords:                   |     Difficulty:  Unknown    
 Testcase:                   |   Architecture:  Unknown    
       Os:  Unknown          |  
Comment (by duncan):

 I know we've made changes to ghc-pkg in the HEAD branch. I'd still very
 much like to see a simple dump feature included in ghc-pkg in time for

 Cabal does not need any complex query interface but it does at a minimum
 need to know what versions of what dependencies each existing package
 uses. This is necessary to avoid or at least detect problems where we
 build a package that uses two other packages that were built against
 different versions of another common package.

 The most common example in the wild at the moment is people adding
 bytestring- in addition to the bytestring- that came with
 ghc-6.8.2 and then half their packages are built against one version and
 half against the other and when we try to use packages built against
 different versions we get a type error about
 {{{bytestring-}}} not being the same as

 Cabal could and should detect this situation, and cabal-install should
 plan around it in its dependency resolution algorithm. However in both
 cases we require the dependency information of the existing installed

 Not that many people are triping up over this just yet, but I think with
 more hackage automation we will. Especially with automated hackage QA
 where we want to build every version of every package to see if it works.

 As I say, I think we want this on the 6.8.3 timescale, rather than having
 to wait for 6.10. If this 'bulk' feature is going to go in for 6.8.3 then
 fine, otherwise I suggest the simple 'dump' command that I suggested

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/1839#comment:7>
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