#2096: FFI file operations broken on 32-bit systems (inc many functions in unix
    Reporter:  agl     |       Owner:          
        Type:  bug     |      Status:  new     
    Priority:  normal  |   Component:  Compiler
     Version:  6.8.2   |    Severity:  major   
    Keywords:          |    Testcase:          
Architecture:  x86     |          Os:  Linux   
 hsc2hs has a C preprocessor prelude (utils/hsc2hs/template-hsc.h)
 which includes some GHC header files. As a result, hsc processes files
 in 64-bit offset mode:

 % cpp -I../../includes -dM template-hsc.h | grep FILE_OFFSET_BITS
 #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64

 However, when building HsUnix.c (or any c file with cabal), the
 environment is different and it's built in 32-bit offset mode.

 This leads to the case where structures which are different between 32 and
 64 bit offset mode (like struct stat) are broken. The offsets in the
 Haskell code from hsc2hs are for the 64-bit structure, but the libc calls
 are made to fill in the 32-bit one.

 hsc2hs can be changed to compile in 32-bit offset mode by removing the
 includes from the beginning of the template header file. (All the GHC
 builds fine this way). However, this leads to a mismatch in the sizes of
 types between GHC and the code. So, although the offsets are now correct
 and the correct libc functions are called - extracting, say, an ino_t
 reads 64, not 32, bits.

 Also, mismatching GHC and the code on something as fundamental as this
 seems to be a recipe for trouble in the future.

 Thus, GHC should probably add -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 when building .c
 files. I believe that will fix everything.

 == Test case ==

 import System.Posix.Files

 main = do
   System.Posix.Files.getFileStatus "/" >>= print .

 Should print a garbage number. However, this depends on the contents of
 memory. Try both in ghci and with ghc --make

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/2096>
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