#2157: Equality Constraints with Type Families
    Reporter:  hpacheco                 |        Owner:  chak    
        Type:  feature request          |       Status:  new     
    Priority:  normal                   |    Milestone:          
   Component:  Compiler (Type checker)  |      Version:  6.9     
    Severity:  normal                   |   Resolution:          
    Keywords:                           |     Testcase:          
Architecture:  Multiple                 |           Os:  Multiple
Comment (by claus):

 Replying to [comment:7 chak]:
 > > > {{{
 > > > type family F a :: * -> *
 > > > }}}
 > > > an equality of the form `F a1 b1 ~ F a2 b2` implies `F a1 ~ F a2`
 and `b1 ~ b2` as always in Haskell
 > >
 > > i had problems with this statement, until i stopped thinking of "type
 functions" (which would allow constant functions violating your
 assumption) and thought of "phantom types" (all type parameters matter,
 even if they disappear in the result). if that association is useful,
 though, you might want to disallow partially applied type synonyms in type
 instances - `Const` and `f` seem fishy here (wrt your implication, at
 > {{{
 > {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
 > type family Const a :: * -> *
 > type instance Const a = C a
 > type C a t = a
 > }}}
 > Why do you think `Const` is fishy?


 - type synonym `C` appears partially applied in what amounts to a type
 class instance parameter position (the rhs of the Const instance)

 - the implementation definitely does not behave as if your decomposition
 played any role (parameters of both `Const Bool Int` and `Const Bool Char`
 are used as/converted to `Bool`, hence equal types even though `Int` does
 not equal `Char`). nor do the permitted and not-permitted conversions in
 `f` seem consistent - compare also:



 > Maybe I should make more precise what I regard as ''partial
 application'' in the context of type families.

 it isn't about partial applications of type families (even though the
 different sorts of parameters there take some getting used to), but about
 good old-fashioned partial applications of type synonyms in new contexts.
 i guess they are permitted here because the rhs of a type instance uses
 the same grammar non-terminal as the rhs of a type synonym, but i suspect
 that the rhs of a type instance might have to be treated like a type
 parameter of a type class instance.

 but that is just a guess - the main issues here are the decomposition
 rule, which i don't quite understand, and which doesn't quite seem to be
 used in the implementation, and the equalities/conversions permitted in
 the implementation, which do not seem to be consistent.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/2157#comment:9>
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