#2206: GADT pattern match with non-rigid return type
    Reporter:  simonpj   |       Owner:              
        Type:  bug       |      Status:  new         
    Priority:  normal    |   Milestone:              
   Component:  Compiler  |     Version:  6.8.2       
    Severity:  normal    |    Keywords:              
  Difficulty:  Unknown   |    Testcase:  gadt-escape1
Architecture:  Unknown   |          Os:  Unknown     
 Chris Casinghino ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes: I've been playing with
 some GADT stuff with Stephanie Weirich and I think we've found a bug in
 GHC at the intersection of GADTs and
 existentials.  The HEAD version gives a type error when :loading this
 program into ghci:
 > data ExpGADT t where
 >   ExpInt :: Int -> ExpGADT Int
 > data Hidden = forall t . Hidden (ExpGADT t) (ExpGADT t)
 > hval = Hidden (ExpInt 0) (ExpInt 1)
 > weird = case (hval :: Hidden) of Hidden (ExpInt _) a -> a
 ghc thinks the existential type variable has escaped:
      Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected
        Quantified type variable `t' escapes
      When checking an existential match that binds
          a :: ExpGADT t
      The pattern(s) have type(s): Hidden
      The body has type: ExpGADT t
      In a case alternative: Hidden (ExpInt _) a -> a
      In the expression:
          case (hval :: Hidden) of Hidden (ExpInt _) a -> a
 According to the rules in the wobbly types paper, this should
 typecheck and weird should be given the wobbly type `(ExpGADT Int)`.

 Perhaps this type error is an intentional deviation from the spec?  If
 so, I'd love to know what implementation issues brought about the
 change.  If not, I suppose it's a bug.

 Everything works fine if we add a type annotation for weird.
 Strangely, in ghc 6.8.2, the program is accepted when :loaded, but if
 after doing so I copy:
    let weird2 = case (hval :: Hidden) of Hidden (ExpInt _) a -> a
 into ghci, I get an error.

 Anyway, I thought I should point out this discrepancy.  I hope it's

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