#2259: can not make `if` look nice in a `do`
    Reporter:  jsnx    |       Owner:                   
        Type:  bug     |      Status:  new              
    Priority:  normal  |   Component:  Compiler (Parser)
     Version:  6.8.2   |    Severity:  minor            
    Keywords:          |    Testcase:                   
Architecture:  x86     |          Os:  MacOS X          
 The handling of {{{if}}} within a {{{do}}} block is not consistent with
 it's handling outside of it.


 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec

 date AesthErr
   = LineTooLong SourcePos Int

  -- works fine
 shorty0 len                  =  do
   s                         <-  manyTill anyChar newLine
   case length s > len of
     True                    ->  do
       pos                   <-  getPosition
       return $ Left $ LineTooLong pos len
     _                       ->  return $ Right s

  -- epic fail
 shorty1 len                  =  do
   s                         <-  manyTill anyChar newLine
   if length s > len then
       pos                   <-  getPosition
       return $ Left $ LineTooLong pos len
     return $ Right s

  -- epic fail
 shorty2 len                  =  do
   s                         <-  manyTill anyChar newLine
   if length s > len then
     fmap (Left . flip LineTooLong len) getPosition
     return $ Right s


 Whereas this is fine:

 f n =
   if n > 7 then

 Is this something I can fix?

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/2259>
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