#2455: Building ticky-ticky profiling libraries doesn't work
    Reporter:  tim      |       Owner:  tim      
        Type:  task     |      Status:  new      
    Priority:  normal   |   Component:  Profiling
     Version:  6.9      |    Severity:  minor    
    Keywords:           |    Testcase:           
Architecture:  Unknown  |          Os:  Unknown  
 On ghc-users, Andrew Hunter pointed out that "make way=t" for the
 libraries is broken. If I try it with a clean libraries/ directory in the
 HEAD, I get:
 echo dist/build/cbits/longlong.t_o dist/build/GHC/Bool.t_o
 dist/build/GHC/Generics.t_o dist/build/GHC/Ordering.t_o
 dist/build/GHC/PrimopWrappers.t_o dist/build/GHC/IntWord32.t_o
 dist/build/GHC/IntWord64.t_o `find dist/build -name "*_stub.t_o" -print` |
 xargs /usr/bin/ar q  dist/build/libHSghc-prim-0.1_t.a
 /usr/bin/ar: creating dist/build/libHSghc-prim-0.1_t.a
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/tjc/GhcTrees/ticky-test/libraries/ghc-
 Registering ghc-prim-0.1...
 Reading package info from "dist/inplace-pkg-config" ... done.
 ghc-pkg-inplace: cannot find libHSghc-prim-0.1.a on library path (use
 --force to override)
 make: *** [make.library.ghc-prim] Error 1

 This isn't shocking, since the package system doesn't know to look for the
 ticky versions of libraries (and I think the filename should be libHSghc-
 prim-0.1.t_a and not libHSghc-prim-0.1_t.a, besides), but it should be
 fixed. I'll try to do it.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/2455>
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