#2608: Direct support for unit tests in Cabal
    Reporter:  kaol      |       Owner:                   
        Type:  proposal  |      Status:  new              
    Priority:  normal    |   Component:  libraries (other)
     Version:  6.6.1     |    Severity:  minor            
    Keywords:            |    Testcase:                   
Architecture:  Unknown   |          Os:  Unknown          
 I'm passing along Debian wishlist bug [http://bugs.debian.org/458495
 #458495] for your consideration. The patch is for version 6.6.1 and it
 won't apply cleanly on HEAD, but I can adapt it to HEAD if you think it's
 worth having.

 I didn't look overly much if something like this has been already
 implemented. My apologies if this is just more noise.

 It would be nice if there was a simple way to build and run tests for
 Cabalized packages.

 Cabal provides a "test" target, but by default it does nothing.
 Furthermore, you can't really build test cases using the Cabal
 infrastructure, since any executables that you list get installed.
 Searching on Google for how to integrate a test suite into Cabal turns
 up suggestions such as "make a system() call from runTests to

 The attached patch adds two new flags to the build information for
 executables and libraries:

   * do-not-install: if set to True, keeps an executable that it's set on
     from being installed.  This is necessary to keep test suites from
     ending up in $prefix/bin, but may be useful for other build-time

   * is-test: if set to True on an executable, the executable will be
     invoked by the "test" target of the setup script.  Note that this
     doesn't attempt to be at all smart about building the executable(s);
     it just blindly invokes the test command(s) and returns a failure if
     any of them fail.

 The patch should be fairly straightforward.  The need to do suppression
 of installing executables in compiler-specific code is a bit ugly;
 this could maybe be cleaned up with an equivalent to withExe that drops
 non-installed executables and by writing and using a similar routine for

 This also changes the API of Cabal: runTests now takes an integer as
 its first argument, indicating the verbosity level provided as an
 argument on the command-line.  The Boolean that was passed before
 didn't have any purpose I could see and was always False, so it
 shouldn't be hard to adapt existing code to this change.  On the other
 hand, the API can be preserved by just hard-coding a verbosity level.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/2608>
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