#2794: Bootstrapping ghc-6.4.3 hangs in call to "ghc-pkg-inplace"
    Reporter:  cspiel  |       Owner:              
        Type:  bug     |      Status:  new         
    Priority:  normal  |   Component:  Build System
     Version:  6.4.3   |    Severity:  normal      
    Keywords:          |    Testcase:              
Architecture:  x86     |          Os:  Linux       
 I want to bootstrap ghc-6.4.3 with ghc-6.2.2 on an i686 Linux system
 based on libc-2.2.4.  The bootstrap '''make''' runs ok until the
 following command:
 ../utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg-inplace --force --update-package
 which "hangs forever" while chewing up cpu cycles.

 Cd-ing into ''ghc-pkg'' and issuing
 ./ghc-pkg.bin --help
 produces exactly the same effect.  An '''strace''' on the latter
 command results in an endless series of
 sigreturn()                             = ? (mask now [])
 --- SIGVTALRM (Virtual timer expired) ---
 When running '''ghc-pkg.bin''' under the control of '''gdb''' and
 interrupting with {{{C-c}}} always catches the execution inside of
 __stginit_DistributionziCompatziReadP_ ()
 which is a part of Cabal.  However, the following trivial test program
 does not get stuck in that call:
 -- Compile with:
 --   ghc -i../../lib/compat -L../../lib/compat -lghccompat \
 --       -o use-readp use-readp.hs

 import Distribution.Compat.ReadP

 main :: IO ()
 main = do
        putStr "start.\n"


 I'm not familiar enough with the ghc build system (nor Haskell) to know
 what goes wrong here.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/2794>
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