#3059: 3 different behaviours depending on profiling settings and on a 
once form being top-level
 Reporter:  jkff      |          Owner:        
     Type:  bug       |         Status:  new   
 Priority:  normal    |      Milestone:        
Component:  Compiler  |        Version:  6.10.1
 Severity:  normal    |     Resolution:        
 Keywords:            |       Testcase:        
       Os:  Windows   |   Architecture:  x86   
Comment (by ChrisKuklewicz):

 In specializing regex-tdfa (post 1.0.0) for "matchTest" with strict
 bytestrings, I wrote code that worked great as I posted above.

 I am always compiling with -O2 on PPC G4.

 But only with -prof.  Without -prof it took 4.0 seconds instead of 0.3
 seconds (and half of that is overhead).

 I used "ghc-core" to look at the core and saw nothing wrong.

 I commented out everything and made tiny modifications.  I have over 12
 test versions before I narrowed it down to using mplus.  Note: mplus is
 not in the core output by name.

 case (IntMap.lookup ...) `mplus` maybeDefault of
   Nothing -> False
   Just -> ....iterate the loop...

 And replacing mplus with my own two-stage case or the new "mm" combinator
 fixed it.

 {-# INLINE mm #-}
 mm :: Maybe Transition -> Maybe Transition -> (DT -> Bool) -> Bool
 mm (Just (Transition {trans_many=DFA {d_dt=dfa'}})) _ f = f dfa'
 mm Nothing (Just (Transition {trans_many=DFA {d_dt=dfa'}})) f = f dfa'
 mm Nothing Nothing _ = False

 So GHC really did not do the right thing with my code.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/3059#comment:4>
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