#1969: enormous compile times
    Reporter:  duncan                        |        Owner:  igloo             
        Type:  compile-time performance bug  |       Status:  new               
    Priority:  normal                        |    Milestone:  6.10.2            
   Component:  Compiler                      |      Version:  6.8.1             
    Severity:  normal                        |   Resolution:                    
    Keywords:  performance                   |   Difficulty:  Difficult (1 week)
    Testcase:                                |           Os:  Unknown/Multiple  
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple              |  
Comment (by simonpj):

 Ian diagnosed the problem. Basically we're compiling lots of things like:
     data A24 = A24
     instance C A24 where
         c A24 = "A24"
     class C a where
         c :: a -> String
         d :: a -> String
         d x = c x
         e :: a -> String
         e x = c x
 In the ticket 1000 instances are generated, but when I tried that the
 compiler was using 1.5G of RAM before I killed it. 100 instances is
 plenty to show a problem:
  doPassM        SimplCore                           36599     6   0.0
   simplifyPgmIO SimplCore                           36605    12   0.0
    OccAnal      SimplCore                           37381    10   0.0
     occurAnalysePgm  OccurAnal                      37399    10   0.0
      occAnalBind     OccurAnal                      37400  3018   0.0
       occAnalRec     OccurAnal                      37680  2717   0.0
        reOrderRec    OccurAnal                      43292   502   0.0
         reOrderCycle OccurAnal                      43310   200   1.0
          stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesR Digraph 43342   200   0.0
           graphFromEdgedVertices            Digraph 43343   200  32.3
 It looks to me like the problem is:

 There's a binder
       \ (@ a_aue) ($dC_azi :: J.C a_aue) (x_auh :: a_aue) ->
         J.c @ a_aue $dC_azi x_auh)
 in the (Rec pairs) being passed to `occAnalBind`, which, via its
 `idRuleVars`, ties everything in a big knot. I assume that what's going on
 here is that this is the "normal" c, and there are specialisation rules
 for uses of c at the various A* types? And to make things worse, I guess
 `J.$dmd` is not allowed to be a loop breaker, as then the interaction of
 rules and inlining could lead to an infinite loop?

 So with 100 class instances, we end up with a 500 node SCC being given
 to `reOrderRec`/`reOrderCycle`. This finds a loop breaker, which
 removes at most one instance's worth of definitions from the SCC. Then
 it calls `stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesR` to recompute the scc, and we
 go round again. `reOrderCycle` gets called 200 times, building a new SCC
 each time round, with size decreasing roughly linearly from 500 down to

 I'm not sure why the space usage is so high; I haven't really looked at
 that. I guess we're probably holding on to the old SCCs or something for
 some reason. Biographical profiling says that the space is all VOID, but
 I'm not convinced that's trustworthy.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/1969#comment:12>
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