#3181: Regression in unboxing
Reporter:  dolio                     |          Owner:                
    Type:  run-time performance bug  |         Status:  new           
Priority:  normal                    |      Component:  Compiler      
 Version:  6.10.2                    |       Severity:  normal        
Keywords:  unboxing boxing           |       Testcase:                
      Os:  Linux                     |   Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)

 Finally having added some benchmarking to my uvector-algorithms package, I
 came across a regression in performance in the heap sort implementation.
 With 6.10.2, it did significantly more allocation than I'd remembered, and
 looking at the core, I spotted a boxed type that I have since determined
 to be the culprit. I'll attach the relevant portion of the algorithm as a
 test case (I apologize that it's rather large, but I haven't yet figured
 out how to make a smaller example that works).

 The key lines are:

 do (child' :*: ac) <- maximumChild cmp a off child len
    case cmp val ac of
      LT -> writeMU a (root + off) ac >> sift val child' len
      _  -> writeMU a (root + off) val

 The monadic (ST) pattern match against the strict pair gets compiled to a
 function that accepts the arguments of the pair (as well as the ST state
 parameter) like so:

 $w$j_s118 :: State# RealWorld
              -> Int
              -> Int#
              -> (# State# RealWorld, () #)
 [Arity 3

 $w$j_s118 =
   \ (w_s108 :: State# RealWorld)
     (ww_s10b :: Int)
     (ww1_s10e :: Int#) ->
     case <# sc3_s11t ww1_s10e of wild11_aY2 {
       False ->
         case writeIntArray#
                @ RealWorld
                (+# sc2_s11s 40)
         of s2#1_aX6 { __DEFAULT ->
         (# s2#1_aX6, () #)
       True ->
         case writeIntArray#
                @ RealWorld
                (+# sc2_s11s 40)
         of s2#1_aX6 { __DEFAULT ->
         case ww_s10b of w1_X10F { I# ww2_X11k ->
         $s$wa_s11D s2#1_aX6 sc1_s11r ww2_X11k sc3_s11t

 As can be seen, all that is done with the boxed Int is that it is taken
 apart in one branch (this identifies the boxed argument as the `child'`
 variable, the `Int` being returned by `maximumChild`; I verified this by
 modifying the code to use a custom type:

 data IP e = IP {-# UNPACK #-} !Int !e

 this results in the desired unboxing behavior). Further, all calls to this
 function look like:

 $w$j_s118 s2#3_XZ1 (I# x_aTU) r#_aXD

 So this seems to be unnecessary boxing. Further, I have reports that 6.8.2
 *did* spot this unboxing opportunity, which would explain why my algorithm
 wasn't performing as well as I had remembered, since the last time I'd
 seriously inspected the performance was in the 6.8 series.

 One theory I had was that the fact that the value was only used in one
 branch of the case was causing it to look non-strict somehow, despite the
 pair being strict in its fields (perhaps the pair was eliminated before
 strictness analysis was done?). However, I've added bang patterns to the
 `child'` match, and changed the case statement to:

 case child' `seq` cmp val ac of ...

 without it making a difference. So I am a bit stumped as to why exactly
 GHC isn't eliminating this box.

 As noted, I can get the desired unboxing with a custom unpacked type, but
 fixing the regression would be preferable. Thanks for your time and help!

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/3181>
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