#3231: Permission denied error with runProcess/openFile
 Reporter:  NeilMitchell  |          Owner:                  
     Type:  bug           |         Status:  new             
 Priority:  normal        |      Milestone:                  
Component:  Compiler      |        Version:  6.10.2          
 Severity:  normal        |     Resolution:                  
 Keywords:                |       Testcase:                  
       Os:  Windows       |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
Comment (by NeilMitchell):

 Another version, this time not tying the process to a handle:

 module Main() where

 import Control.Concurrent
 import System.IO
 import System.Cmd
 import System.Directory

 main = do
     hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
     forkIO $ f "foo1.txt"
     forkIO $ f "foo2.txt"
     threadDelay $ 100*1000000
     putStrLn "Finished successfully"

 f file = do
     h <- openFile file WriteMode
     hPutStrLn h "fjkladsf"
     system "sleep 1s"
     putChar '.'
     hClose h
     removeFile file
     f file

 This version fails under both Cygwin and from the Windows command prompt

 $ runhaskell Test.hs
 .Test.hs: DeleteFile: permission denied (The process cannot access the
 file beca
 use it is being used by another process.)

 This version works fine if the {{{system}}} call is removed. That call
 shouldn't have any difference to the usage of any handles. It seems that
 system calls mess with handles and resources in painful ways. This is now
 almost certainly the same underlying cause as the problems I reported in
 bug #2924.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/3231#comment:3>
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