#3273: memory leak due to optimisation
    Reporter:  sebf                      |        Owner:                  
        Type:  run-time performance bug  |       Status:  new             
    Priority:  normal                    |    Milestone:  6.12 branch     
   Component:  Compiler                  |      Version:  6.10.1          
    Severity:  normal                    |   Resolution:                  
    Keywords:                            |   Difficulty:  Unknown         
    Testcase:                            |           Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple          |  
Comment (by int-e):

 It's a rather more interesting case than #917 - only the first 10k
 elements of the list {{{[1..]}}} are evaluated, which don't account for
 the huge memory blowup that we observed.

 I've looked at the core for {{{condensed.hs}}}. Basically what happens is
 that {{{plus}}} gets turned into
 plus a b   = S (\c -> let unSac = unS a c
                           unSbc = unS b c
                       in  \d -> if d==0 then []
                                   else unSac (d-1) ++
                                        unSbc (d-1))
 and {{{runS}}} gets turned into
 runS a = let runa = run a in concatMap runa [10000]
 With these two changes the program blows up even without optimizations.
 It's still quite amazing to me, but apparently there is just enough
 explicit sharing to hold onto the complete {{{natSum}}} computation in
 some form.

 I'm curious how the ''id'' functions affect this - maybe they influence
 arity analysis and that in turn has an effect on the candidates for
 floating out?

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/3273#comment:5>
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