#3395: Template Haskell crashes
Reporter:  NeilMitchell      |          Owner:                  
    Type:  bug               |         Status:  new             
Priority:  normal            |      Component:  Compiler        
 Version:  6.10.4            |       Severity:  normal          
Keywords:                    |       Testcase:                  
      Os:  Unknown/Multiple  |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
 The following fragment:

 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

 import Language.Haskell.TH

 foo = $(return $
         [NoBindS (VarE $ mkName "undefined")
         ,BindS (VarP $ mkName "r1") (VarE $ mkName "undefined") ])

 when loaded gives:

 *** Exception: hsSyn\Convert.lhs:(427,14)-(428,33): Non-exhaustive
 patterns in case

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/3395>
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