#3447: Class restrictions on type instances
    Reporter:  LysikovVV         |        Owner:                  
        Type:  feature request   |       Status:  new             
    Priority:  normal            |    Milestone:  _|_             
   Component:  Compiler          |      Version:  6.10.4          
    Severity:  normal            |   Resolution:                  
    Keywords:                    |   Difficulty:  Unknown         
    Testcase:                    |           Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |  
Comment (by conormcbride):

 Replying to [comment:6 simonpj]:
 > Yes, definitely, I plan to add algebraic kinds. Timescale uncertain,
 though, I'm afraid.

 I guess we should figure out how to proceed here.

 This is an interesting example, exposing a number of issues. Firstly, and
 straightforwardly, how do we know Bool is closed under not: typechecking,
 if we had kind {Bool} inhabited by {True} and {False}. (Digression: whilst
 some sort of datakinds would be preferable to predicates here, predicate
 subkinding is still interesting and potentially of value.)

 Secondly, what happens to choose if we have kind {Bool}? Note that choose
 is passed an element of some a for which BoolT a holds: the corresponding
 dictionary is a run-time witness to the ability to choose. What's needed
 here is not only that Bool is closed under not, but that run-time
 witnesses to Boolhood are closed under not.

 The [http://personal.cis.strath.ac.uk/~conor/pub/she/ she] preprocessor
 lets us write

 import ShePrelude -- includes {Bool}, {True}, {False}

 type family    Not (b :: {Bool}) :: {Bool}
 type instance  Not {True}   = {False}
 type instance  Not {False}  = {True}

 and we get the obvious nasty untyped translation, before typechecking. It
 would clearly be preferable to do the typechecking first, but if the
 semantics is the same, we've only bought security, not power. The question
 of how to manage run-time witnesses remains.

 As it happens, she has an experimental treatment, based on a singleton
 translation. Roughly, if t is a type, then (:: t) is its singleton GADT.
 Moreover (subject to caveats) if tm :: ty, then {tm} :: (:: ty) {tm},
 where the {tm} right of :: is the type-level translation and the {tm} left
 of :: is the singleton translation. For Bool, it's as if
 data (:: Bool) :: {Bool} -> * where
   {True}   :: (:: Bool) {True}
   {False}  :: (:: Bool) {False}

 More moreover, pi (x :: s). t abbreviates forall (x :: {s}) . (:: s) x ->
 t. So I can write
 choose :: forall (t :: *). pi (b :: Bool). t -> t -> t
 choose {True}   t f = t
 choose {False}  t f = f
 and even
 boolCase :: forall (p :: {Bool} -> *). pi (b :: Bool).
             p {True} -> p {False} -> p b
 boolCase {True}   t f = t
 boolCase {False}  t f = f

 However, to combine choose with Not, we need the relevant action on the
 run-time witnesses.
 depNot :: pi (b :: Bool). (:: Bool) (Not b)
 depNot {True}   = {False}
 depNot {False}  = {True}
 It's this depNot which delivers the extra information corresponding to the
 missing BoolT constraint requested above. We can then write
 esoohc :: forall (t :: *). pi (b :: Bool). t -> t -> t
 esoohc b = choose (depNot b)

 It is clearly a nuisance to write type-level Not, together with value-
 level depNot, especially as yer actual not :: Bool -> Bool is a perfectly
 well-behaved proletarian.

 What's my point? Just that algebraic kinds alone do not solve this
 problem: we need some principled system to manage the associated run-time
 witnesses. I'm used to getting this for nothing, of course -- dependent
 types identify the type-level data with their run-time witnesses -- so the
 thought of Joe manipulating classes and singleton GADTs explicitly in
 public makes me distinctly queasy. We don't have to solve this problem in
 order to add algebraic kinds, but we should be aware of it when we're
 making design choices.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/3447#comment:7>
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