#3701: allow existential wrapper newtypes
  Reporter:  duncan           |          Owner:                  
      Type:  feature request  |         Status:  new             
  Priority:  normal           |      Milestone:                  
 Component:  Compiler         |        Version:  6.10.4          
Resolution:                   |       Keywords:                  
Difficulty:                   |             Os:  Unknown/Multiple
  Testcase:                   |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
   Failure:  None/Unknown     |  
Comment (by simonpj):

 Yes, something like this would be good.  Here's a very relevant paper that
 Kim Bruce wrote for ECOOP'97: http://www.ifs.uni-
 linz.ac.at/~ecoop/cd/papers/1241/12410104.pdf.  Just as you propose a type
 and a class with the same name, so does he, but he calls them T and #T.

 But it's not that easy to just "derive the instance".  In your case:
 data MkCompiler where
   MkCompiler :: Compiler c => c -> MkCompiler

 instance Compiler MkCompiler where
   getInstalledPackages (MkCompiler c) = getInstalledPackages c
 Notice that this instance of `getInstalledPackages` is necessarily strict.
 And I think it ''requires'' a OO-style type for `getInstalledPackages`:
 that is, the first argument has type 'c'.  So classes that are amenable
 are of form
 class C a b c where
   op1 :: c -> <blah>
   op2 :: c -> <blah>
 For classes of that form, we could regard `(C t1 t2)` as a data type, with
 a single existential constructor, declared (implicitly) thus
 data C a b where
   C :: forall a b c. C a b c => c -> C a b

 instance C (C a b) where
   op1 (C x) = op1 x
   op2 (C x) = op2 x
 It's a little uncomfortable that this stuff only works when the class has
 the right shaped signature.


Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/3701#comment:1>
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