#3909: Priority queues in containers
    Reporter:  LouisWasserman              |        Owner:  LouisWasserman
        Type:  feature request             |       Status:  assigned      
    Priority:  normal                      |    Milestone:                
   Component:  libraries (other)           |      Version:  6.12.1        
    Keywords:  containers, priority queue  |   Difficulty:                
          Os:  Unknown/Multiple            |     Testcase:                
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple            |      Failure:  None/Unknown  

Comment(by LouisWasserman):

 Aha!  This wasn't how I'd imagined that lazy pairing heaps worked, but I
 love it.  Yeah, that's beautiful, let me change my own implementation...

 ViewQ is...tricky.  I included it by analogy to Data.Sequence, which has
 the same issue.  I'm...not entirely sure what the best policy is.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/3909#comment:22>
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