#4093: compiler hangs (type checking?)
    Reporter:  dias    |       Owner:                    
        Type:  bug     |      Status:  new               
    Priority:  normal  |   Component:  Compiler          
     Version:  6.13    |    Keywords:                    
          Os:  Linux   |    Testcase:                    
Architecture:  x86     |     Failure:  Compile-time crash
 The compiler hangs while compiling the following program, probably during
 type checking. Perhaps it has something to do with type functions?

 Note: I can give you several variations of the same program that also
 hang. Let me know if you want them.

 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, EmptyDataDecls, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies #-}

 module Test () where

 data C
 data O

 type family   EitherCO e a b :: *
 type instance EitherCO C a b = a
 type instance EitherCO O a b = b

 data MaybeC ex t where
   JustC    :: t -> MaybeC C t
   NothingC ::      MaybeC O t

 data Block (n :: * -> * -> *) e x

 blockToNodeList ::
   forall n e x. (EitherCO e (A C O n) (A O O n) ~ A e O n,
                  EitherCO x (A C C n) (A C O n) ~ A C x n) =>
     Block n e x -> A e x n

 type A e x n = (MaybeC e (n C O), MaybeC x (n O C))
 blockToNodeList b = foldBlockNodesF (f, l) b z
     z :: EitherCO e (EitherCO e (A C O n) (A O O n)) (EitherCO e (A C O n)
 (A O O n))
     z = undefined

     f :: n C O -> EitherCO e (A C O n) (A O O n) -> EitherCO e (A C O n)
 (A O O n)
     f n _ = (JustC n, NothingC)

     l :: n O C -> EitherCO e (A C O n) (A O O n) -> EitherCO e (A C C n)
 (A O C n)
     l _ = undefined

 foldBlockNodesF  :: forall n a b c e x .
                    ( n C O       -> a -> b
                    , n O C       -> b -> c)
                  -> (Block n e x -> EitherCO e a b -> EitherCO x c b)
 foldBlockNodesF _ = undefined

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/4093>
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