#4172: GHC build failes when BuildFlavour = prof is used
    Reporter:  Phyx-           |        Owner:                     
        Type:  bug             |       Status:  new                
    Priority:  normal          |    Milestone:                     
   Component:  Compiler        |      Version:  6.13               
    Keywords:                  |   Difficulty:                     
          Os:  Windows         |     Testcase:                     
Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)  |      Failure:  Building GHC failed

Comment(by Phyx-):

 my configure options were just simply ./configure --with-

 the output of configure is

 Configure completed successfully.

    Building GHC version  : 6.13.20100713

    Build platform        : i386-unknown-mingw32
    Host platform         : i386-unknown-mingw32
    Target platform       : i386-unknown-mingw32

    Bootstrapping using   : c:/ghc/ghc-6.12.1/bin/ghc
       which is version   : 6.12.1

    Using GCC             :
       which is version   : 3.4.5

    ld       :
    Happy    : /c/Users/Phyx/AppData/Roaming/cabal/bin/happy (1.18.4)
    Alex     : /c/Users/Phyx/AppData/Roaming/cabal/bin/alex (2.3.2)
    Python   : /c/Python26/python[[BR]]
    Perl     : /bin/perl[[BR]]
    dblatex  : /c/Program Files (x86)/MiKTeX 2.8/miktex/bin/dblatex[[BR]]
    xsltproc :

    HsColour was not found; documentation will not contain source links

    Building DocBook HTML documentation : NO[[BR]]
    Building DocBook PS documentation   : YES[[BR]]
    Building DocBook PDF documentation  : YES

 in the build.mk the only thing I changed was uncommenting BuildFlavour =

 my MingW version is [[BR]]
 $ uname -a
 MINGW32_NT-6.1 PHYX-ARR 1.0.11(0.46/3/2) 2009-07-11 17:46 i686 Msys

 and my OS is[[BR]]

 OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows 7 Professional[[BR]]
 OS Version:                6.1.7600 N/A Build 7600[[BR]]
 System Type:               x64-based PC

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/4172#comment:2>
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