#836: rebindable if-then-else syntax
    Reporter:  nibro              |        Owner:              
        Type:  feature request    |       Status:  new         
    Priority:  normal             |    Milestone:  _|_         
   Component:  Compiler (Parser)  |      Version:  6.13        
    Keywords:                     |     Testcase:  N/A         
   Blockedby:                     |   Difficulty:  Unknown     
          Os:  Unknown/Multiple   |     Blocking:              
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple   |      Failure:  None/Unknown
Changes (by vivian):

 * cc: haskell.vivian.mcph...@… (added)
  * failure:  => None/Unknown
  * version:  6.4.2 => 6.13
  * component:  Compiler => Compiler (Parser)


 The do notation is syntactic sugar on top of (>>=) and return.

 Why not syntactic sugar for "if ... then ... else."

 With language Extension 'OverlappingInstances' it is possible to have a
 default definition

 class IfThenElse a where
     if_then_else :: Bool -> a -> a -> a

 instance IfThenElse a where
     if_then_else b t f = case b of
            True  -> t
            False -> f

 And then monads such as LogicT
 [http://hackage.haskell.org/package/logict-0.2.1] and other code regions
 with a requirement for custom ifte can overload their own.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/836#comment:5>
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