#4343: Add throwSTM and generalize catchSTM
    Reporter:  basvandijk        |       Owner:                                 
        Type:  proposal          |      Status:  new                            
    Priority:  normal            |   Component:  libraries (other)              
     Version:  7.1               |    Keywords:  stm, exception, throw, 
throwIO, throwSTM, catch, catchSTM
    Testcase:                    |   Blockedby:                                 
          Os:  Unknown/Multiple  |    Blocking:                                 
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |     Failure:  None/Unknown                   
 Currently the only way to throw an exception in an
 Monad-STM.html STM] transaction is via
 Exception.html#v:throw throw]. The `IO` monad has the
 Exception.html#v:throwIO throwIO] function which guarantees ordering with
 respect to other `IO` actions. It would be nice to have a similar function
 for the `STM` monad:

 {{{throwSTM :: Exception e => e -> STM a}}}

 Catching exceptions in the `IO` monad can be done with
 Exception.html#v:catch catch]:

 {{{catch :: Exception e => IO a -> e -> IO a -> IO a}}}

 Catching exception in the `STM` monad can be done with
 Monad-STM.html#v:catchSTM catchSTM]:

 {{{catchSTM :: STM a -> (SomeException -> STM a) -> STM a}}}

 However, it would be nice to generalize this function to any exception:

 {{{catchSTM :: Exception e => STM a -> (e -> STM a) -> STM a}}}

 This makes it consistent with the `IO` catch function and allows packages
 like: `exception-monads-fd/tf` to define instances for

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/4343>
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