#4342: Review containers changes
    Reporter:  igloo              |        Owner:              
        Type:  bug                |       Status:  new         
    Priority:  high               |    Milestone:  7.2.1       
   Component:  libraries (other)  |      Version:  7.1         
    Keywords:                     |     Testcase:              
   Blockedby:                     |   Difficulty:              
          Os:  Unknown/Multiple   |     Blocking:              
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple   |      Failure:  None/Unknown

Comment(by simonpj):

 Just to summarise the current state of play on the containers front:

  * For the GHC 7.0 branch, we have reverted all the container patches, so
 the heat is off.

  * For the HEAD we have left all patches in.  That means that T1969 and
 T3294 are failing.  (This is allocation-bloat, not code-bloat, for reasons
 I don't fully understand.)  It would be good to fix this as soon as poss.

  * I have committed a patch that allows specialising in the ''importing''
 module; the commit message is below and gives more details.  I think that
 should allow you to get the benefits of specialisation without the code

  * All of this only concerns performance issues.  I don't know what's
 ongoing concerning API changes, but let's treat that as a separate matter.

 At the moment I think Milan is holding the token.  (Is anyone else working
 on this?)  It's not day-to-day urgent, but it is important and would be
 good to get it sorted.  Are you ok with this Milan?


 Thu Oct  7 04:10:51 PDT 2010  simo...@microsoft.com
   * Implement auto-specialisation of imported Ids

   This big-ish patch arranges that if an Id 'f' is
     * Type-class overloaded
          f :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
     * Defined with an INLINABLE pragma
          {-# INLINABLE f #-}
     * Exported from its defining module 'D'

   then in any module 'U' that imports D

   1. Any call of 'f' at a fixed type will generate
      (a) a specialised version of f in U
      (b) a RULE that rewrites unspecialised calls to the
          specialised on

     e.g. if the call is (f Int dOrdInt xs) then the
     specialiser will generate
        $sfInt :: [Int] -> [Int]
        $sfInt = <code for f, imported from D, specialised>
        {-# RULE forall d.  f Int d = $sfInt #-}

   2. In addition, you can give an explicit {-# SPECIALISE -#}
      pragma for the imported Id
        {-# SPECIALISE f :: [Bool] -> [Bool] #-}
      This too generates a local specialised definition,
      and the corresponding RULE

   The new RULES are exported from module 'U', so that any module
   importing U will see the specialised versions of 'f', and will
   not re-specialise them.

   There's a flag -fwarn-auto-orphan that warns you if the auto-generated
   RULES are orphan rules. It's not in -Wall, mainly to avoid lots of
   error messages with existing packages.

   Main implementation changes

    - A new flag on a CoreRule to say if it was auto-generated.
      This is persisted across interface files, so there's a small
      change in interface file format.

    - Quite a bit of fiddling with plumbing, to get the
      {-# SPECIALISE #-} pragmas for imported Ids.  In particular, a
      new field tgc_imp_specs in TcGblEnv, to keep the specialise
      pragmas for imported Ids between the typechecker and the desugarer.

    - Some new code (although surprisingly little) in Specialise,
      to deal with calls of imported Ids

     M ./compiler/basicTypes/BasicTypes.lhs -1 +7
     M ./compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs -1 +5
     M ./compiler/deSugar/Desugar.lhs -14 +24
     M ./compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs -55 +66
     M ./compiler/deSugar/DsForeign.lhs -4 +4
     M ./compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.lhs -9 +9
     M ./compiler/iface/BinIface.hs -2 +4
     M ./compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.lhs -1 +3
     M ./compiler/iface/MkIface.lhs -6 +12
     M ./compiler/iface/TcIface.lhs -1 +3
     M ./compiler/main/DynFlags.hs +3
     M ./compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs -62 +84
     M ./compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs -9 +14
     M ./compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs -3 +3
     M ./compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs -1 +1
     M ./compiler/specialise/Rules.lhs -19 +11
     M ./compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.lhs -1 +2
     M ./compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs -59 +156
     M ./compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs -24 +66
     M ./compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs -1 +1
     M ./compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs -4 +2
     M ./compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs -6 +12
     M ./compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs -10 +19
     M ./compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.lhs -13 +16
     M ./compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.lhs -14 +15
     M ./compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.lhs +1
     M ./compiler/utils/FiniteMap.lhs -1 +3

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/4342#comment:6>
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