#4383: Uncanonical display of Double
    Reporter:  daniel.is.fischer  |       Owner:                             
        Type:  bug                |      Status:  new                        
    Priority:  normal             |   Component:  libraries/base             
     Version:  6.12.3             |    Keywords:  Double, show               
    Testcase:                     |   Blockedby:                             
          Os:  Unknown/Multiple   |    Blocking:                             
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple   |     Failure:  Incorrect result at runtime

Comment(by daniel.is.fischer):

 For starters, a better approximation to logBase 10 2 fixes this,
      if b == 2 && base == 10 then
         -- logBase 10 2 is slightly bigger than 3/10 so
         -- the following will err on the low side.  Ignoring
         -- the fraction will make it err even more.
         -- Haskell promises that p-1 <= logBase b f < p.
         -- (p - 1 + e0) * 3 `div` 10
         (p - 1 + e0) * 21306 `quot` 70777

 *FloatShow> let x :: Double; x = 0.5 ^ 1030
 *FloatShow> floatToDigits 10 x
 *FloatShow> showFloat x ""
 but I'd rather check the code carefully to see whether something else
 might need fixing (and maybe an earlier convergent of logBase 10 2 will

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/4383#comment:2>
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