#4428: Local functions lose their unfoldings
    Reporter:  rl                |        Owner:                         
        Type:  bug               |       Status:  merge                  
    Priority:  normal            |    Milestone:  7.0.2                  
   Component:  Compiler          |      Version:  7.1                    
    Keywords:                    |     Testcase:                         
   Blockedby:                    |   Difficulty:                         
          Os:  Unknown/Multiple  |     Blocking:                         
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |      Failure:  Runtime performance bug

Comment(by rl):

 Replying to [comment:7 simonpj]:
 > Now suppose you wrote that in the first place.  Well then, the `{-#
 INLINE[0] local #-}` says "in phase 0 please inline `local`, replacing it
 with the original (unoptimised) RHS.  And that's exactly what happens.

 Actually, didn't we say `{-# INLINE[0] local #-}` means: "in phase 0
 please inline `local`, replacing it with the RHS it would have right
 before phase 0"? I was under the impression that GHC would inline into
 unfoldings as long as it didn't affect phasing. Has that changed?

 Anyway, the biggest problem is that local `INLINE` functions are optimised
 twice (the rhs and the unfolding after it's been inlined) and usually the
 rhs is just thrown away so it's completely wasted work. For DPH/vector
 programs, this leads to significantly longer compile times. And
 compilation of such programs is quite slow even without this problem.

 I'm not sure if there is a reason for local `INLINE` functions to ever
 have an unfolding that is different from their rhs. I can't think of any
 situation where this makes a difference semantically.

 > Without understanding more clearly what you are trying to achieve I
 don't think I can help much more.  Maybe an example showing how you are
 exploiting these nested inlinings?

 Here is an example from vector:

 -- | Map a monadic function over a 'Stream'
 mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
 {-# INLINE [1] mapM #-}
 mapM f (Stream step s n) = Stream step' s n
     {-# INLINE [0] step' #-}
     step' s = do
                 r <- step s
                 case r of
                   Yield x s' -> liftM  (`Yield` s') (f x)
                   Skip    s' -> return (Skip    s')
                   Done       -> return Done

 We want to inline `step'` late because doing it early can introduce join
 points which affect other optimisations (well, perhaps not this particular
 `step'` but certainly more complex ones). But we want to make sure that it
 does get inlined eventually. So we say `INLINE [0]`.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/4428#comment:8>
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