#4462: -dcore-lint error in simplifier phase 0 when profiling
    Reporter:  wkahl                             |        Owner:                
        Type:  bug                               |       Status:  new           
    Priority:  normal                            |    Milestone:                
   Component:  Compiler                          |      Version:  7.0.1 RC1     
    Keywords:  profiling, simplifier, core-lint  |     Testcase:  Agda (darcs, 
   Blockedby:                                    |   Difficulty:                
          Os:  Linux                             |     Blocking:                
Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)                    |      Failure:  Compile-time 

Comment(by wkahl):

 Without profiling, it compiles with {{{-dcore-lint}}} and runs apparently
 not worse than with GHC-6.12.3. (Some success, some segfaults, no RTS
 errors yet.)

 With profiling and without {{{-dcore-lint}}}, it compiles okay,
 and even compiling {{{agda-executable}}} (in {{{src/main}}}) configured
 with {{{-dcore-lint}}} compiles okay.

 I am sorry about the setup cost! It is admittedly high also for me: I am
 doing this kind of experiments since I guess that you are not too keen on
 looking into run-time errors with GHC-6.12.3 unless I can say that they
 are still there at least with 7.0.

 I consider part of the setup cost to be due to “design decisions” in
 cabal; see for example [http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/hackage/ticket/725
 cabal ticket 725]. In short, I think that these cabal policies put a big
 stumbling block in the way of anybody who wants to “just try things out
 with HEAD”, unless they don't use any non-GHC packages, of course...

 Perhaps Simon M still has the setup from ticket:4265 around...

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/4462#comment:3>
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