#4887: add a Location interface for element-wise operations on Data.Map
    Reporter:  ross              |       Owner:                   
        Type:  proposal          |      Status:  new              
    Priority:  normal            |   Component:  libraries (other)
     Version:  7.0.1             |    Keywords:                   
    Testcase:                    |   Blockedby:                   
          Os:  Unknown/Multiple  |    Blocking:                   
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |     Failure:  None/Unknown     

Old description:

> This is a variant of a suggestion by apfelmus:
>   http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/libraries/2010-September/014510.html
> To avoid proliferation of variants of element-wise operations, the idea
> is to split these operations into two phases mediated by a new Location
> type, so that users can do whatever they like between these phases.
> Documentation is here:
>   http://code.haskell.org/~ross/containers_doc/Data-Map.html#3
> This adds a type and 9 functions to the interface, but makes possible
> monadic updates and much more.  As an illustration, the file
> {{{MapOps.hs}}} attached to the ticket gives definitions of 30 of the
> public functions of Data.Map in terms of the new interface.  At least in
> the case of insert, this definition is slightly faster than the current
> one.
> Discussion period: 4 weeks (to 4 February)

New description:

 This is a variant of a suggestion by apfelmus:


 To avoid proliferation of variants of element-wise operations, the idea is
 to split these operations into two phases mediated by a new Location type,
 so that users can do whatever they like between these phases.
 Documentation is here:


 This adds a type and 9 functions to the interface, but makes possible
 monadic updates and much more.  As an illustration, the file
 {{{MapOps.hs}}} attached to the ticket gives definitions of 30 of the
 public functions of Data.Map in terms of the new interface.  ~~At least in
 the case of insert, this definition is slightly faster than the current

 Discussion period: 4 weeks (to 4 February)


Comment(by ross):

 Strike speed claim.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/4887#comment:2>
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