#4917: ghc7 does not equate type synonyms under RankNTypes
    Reporter:  kyagrd          |       Owner:                           
        Type:  bug             |      Status:  new                      
    Priority:  normal          |   Component:  Compiler                 
     Version:  7.0.1           |    Keywords:                           
    Testcase:                  |   Blockedby:                           
          Os:  Linux           |    Blocking:                           
Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)  |     Failure:  GHC rejects valid program
 See the source at


 It works on ghc6 but not on ghc 7

 The type error message is

     Couldn't match expected type `forall a'1.
                                   x a'1 -> Const (Const b a') a'1'
                 with actual type `forall a'1. x1 a'1 -> Const b a'1'
     Expected type: (forall a'1. x a'1 -> Const (Const b a') a'1)
                    -> f x a
                    -> Const (Const b a') a
       Actual type: (forall a'1. x1 a'1 -> Const b a'1)
                    -> f1 x1 a1
                    -> Const b a1
     In the first argument of `mcata', namely `f'
     In the first argument of `f', namely `(mcata f)'

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/4917>
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