#3843: Merge plugins into HEAD
    Reporter:  dreixel           |        Owner:  simonpj     
        Type:  task              |       Status:  new         
    Priority:  normal            |    Milestone:  7.0.2       
   Component:  Compiler          |      Version:  6.13        
    Keywords:                    |     Testcase:              
   Blockedby:                    |   Difficulty:              
          Os:  Unknown/Multiple  |     Blocking:              
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |      Failure:  None/Unknown

Comment(by thoughtpolice):

 Hi shelarcy (sorry for the delay in reply!,)

 I think Supercompilation seems ''possible'' from a plugin perspective.
 From what I can tell, Simon has implemented a flag called `-fexpose-all-
 unfoldings` in GHC which will put all unfoldings for everything in
 interface files - this is great for whole program work of any sorts or
 supercompilation, like the work Neil or Max & Simon are doing.

 I haven't looked at the implementation of expose-all-unfoldings myself
 however. Simon, can you comment on the possibility of utilizing expose-
 all-unfoldings from `CoreM`? It seems as though `ModGuts` exposes most of
 the necessary dependency information for the currently compiled module, to
 find what's needed for something like this, meaning we *could* use a
 `ModGutsToBindsPluginPass` (or, if we're daring, a
 `ModGutsToModGutsPluginPass`.) I don't know if this is enough, however (I
 do not have enough GHC-fu.)

 As for the static contract checking work, I honestly have no idea. I have
 not read Dana's paper, but from the abstract it seems it works by symbolic
 execution with the contracts in mind - I don't think this happens at the
 Core level however from a quick glance, and currently that is all the
 plugin work encompasses. It does not expose all the internal phases of GHC
 - only a limited API allowing us to analyze/rewrite core bindings at the
 moment. I think this is outside of the scope of the actual plugins work,
 but I could be wrong (again, Simon should say something here because I
 could be completely wrong.)

 Finally, as for the Cabal concern, I think you may be right, but my
 intuition tells me that as a client, you would only depend on the actual
 datatype definition for the annotation, and not any code which *directly*
 touches the GHC package itself. I would expect that the linker would
 remove the GHC package as dead code during the final link step. I have not
 tested this myself, but I should in any case. Thanks for pointing this
 out, I'll get back to you when I get the chance.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/3843#comment:18>
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