#4950: Typechecking regression
    Reporter:  igloo                    |        Owner:              
        Type:  bug                      |       Status:  new         
    Priority:  highest                  |    Milestone:  7.0.2       
   Component:  Compiler (Type checker)  |      Version:  7.0.1       
    Keywords:                           |     Testcase:              
   Blockedby:                           |   Difficulty:              
          Os:  Unknown/Multiple         |     Blocking:              
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple         |      Failure:  None/Unknown

Comment(by simonpj):

 This is a truly mind-boggling file.  I have spent over an whole hour
 simply typ-checking the program manually.  It's jolly hard!

 Below is my version of the code, heavily annotated with type signatures.
 I've simplified it a bit, but it gives essentially the exact same error

 And the message looks right to me:
     Could not deduce (BinaryProduct
                         (Cod f) (f :% Z) (LimitFam (Discrete n1) (Cod f)
 (Next f))
                       LimitFam (Discrete (S n)) (Cod f) f)

 Why should those two these two types be equal?  Both `BinaryProduct` and
 `LimitFam` are families, but neither have any equations.

 '''AAARGH!''' I've just recompiled the original package source with a
 version of GHC that has #4935 fixed, and it compiles `Data.Category.Limit`
 just fine. So the real bug is in the cut-down version!  (Both 7.0.1 and
 HEAD break on `Data.Category.Adjunction`, with a skolem-escape error, but
 that is a separate regression, which I'll open a separate ticket for.)

 So I'm just going to close this ticket.

 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, GADTs,
              MultiParamTypeClasses, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables,
              TypeOperators, TypeFamilies, TypeSynonymInstances,
              UndecidableInstances, EmptyDataDecls #-}

 module T4950 (limitUniv') where

 import Prelude hiding ((.), Functor, product)

 infixl 9 !
 infixr 9 %
 infixr 9 :%
 infixr 8 .

 data Diag :: (* -> * -> *) -> (* -> * -> *) -> *

 type instance Dom (Diag j (~>)) = (~>)
 type instance Cod (Diag j (~>)) = Nat j (~>)
 type instance Diag j (~>) :% a = Const j (~>) a

 type DiagF f = Diag (Dom f) (Cod f)
 type Cone   f n = Nat (Dom f) (Cod f) (ConstF f n) f

 coneVertex :: Cone f n -> Obj (Cod f) n
 coneVertex = undefined

 type family LimitFam j (~>) f :: *
 type Limit f = LimitFam (Dom f) (Cod f) f
 type LimitUniversal f = TerminalUniversal f (DiagF f) (Limit f)

 limitUniversal :: (Cod f ~ (~>))
                => Cone f (Limit f)
                -> (forall n. Cone f n -> n ~> Limit f)
                -> LimitUniversal f
 limitUniversal = undefined

 limit :: LimitUniversal f -> Cone f (Limit f)
 limit = undefined

 class (Category j, Category (~>)) => HasLimits j (~>) where
   limitUniv :: Obj (Nat j (~>)) f -> LimitUniversal f

 type family BinaryProduct ((~>) :: * -> * -> *) x y :: *

 class Category g => HasBinaryProducts g where
   proj2 :: g x x -> g y y -> g (BinaryProduct g x y) y

 limitUniv' :: forall f n .
               (Functor f,
                Dom f ~ Discrete (S n),
                HasLimits (Discrete n) (Cod f),
                HasBinaryProducts (Cod f))
            => f -> LimitUniversal f
 limitUniv' f = limitUniversal (Nat undefined f (\z -> h z))  undefined
           x :: Cod f (f :% Z) (f :% Z)
           x = f % Z

           y :: Cod (Next f) (Limit (Next f)) (Limit (Next f))
           y = coneVertex limNext

           limNext :: Nat (Dom (Next f))
                          (Cod (Next f))
                          (Const (Dom (Next f)) (Cod (Next f)) (Limit (Next
                          (Next f)
           limNext = limit luNext

           luNext :: LimitUniversal (Next f)
           luNext = limitUniv nid

           nid :: Nat (Dom (Next f)) (Cod (Next f)) (Next f) (Next f)
           nid = natId nf

           nf :: Next f
           nf = Next f

 --          h :: Discrete (S n) z z
 --            -> Component (ConstF f (LimitFam (Discrete (S n)) (~>) f)) f

 --          h :: Discrete (S n) z z
 --            -> Cod (ConstF f (LimitFam (Discrete (S n)) (~>) f))
 --                   (ConstF f (LimitFam (Discrete (S n)) (~>) f) :% z)
 --                   (f :% z)

 --          h :: Discrete (S n) z z
 --            -> Cod (Const (Dom f) (Cod f) (LimitFam (Discrete (S n))
 (~>) f))
 --                   (Const (Dom f) (Cod f) (LimitFam (Discrete (S n))
 (~>) f)
 --                        :% z)
 --                   (f :% z)

 --          h :: Discrete (S n) z z
 --            -> Cod f
 --                   (Const (Dom f) (Cod f) (LimitFam (Discrete (S n))
 (Cod f) f)
 --                      :% z)
 --                   (f :% z)

           h :: Discrete (S n) z z
             -> Cod f
                    (LimitFam (Discrete (S n)) (Cod f) f)
                    (f :% z)

           h (S (n::Discrete n a a)) = undefined . p2
                      p2 :: Cod f (BinaryProduct (Cod f) (f :% Z) (Limit
 (Next f)))
                                  (Limit (Next f))
                         -- NB: needs (Cod f ~ Cod (Next f))
                         -- But that holds!
                      p2 = proj2 x y

 --  (.) :: forall (~>). Category (~>) => (b ~> c) -> (a ~> b) -> (a ~> c)
 -- (~>) instantiated to (Cod f)
 --  (.) :: Cod f b c -> Cod f a b -> Cod f a c
 -- a := (BinaryProduct (Cod f) (f :% Z) (Limit (Next f)))
 --    = (BinaryProduct (Cod f) (f :% Z) (LimitFam (Dom (Next f)) (Cod
 (Next f)) (Next f)))
 --    = (BinaryProduct (Cod f) (f :% Z) (LimitFam (PredDiscrete (Dom f))
 (Cod f) (Next f)))
 -- Since Dom f ~ Discrete (S n)
 --    = (BinaryProduct (Cod f) (f :% Z) (LimitFam (PredDiscrete (Discrete
 (S n))) (Cod f) (Next f)))
 --    = (BinaryProduct (Cod f) (f :% Z) (LimitFam (Discrete n) (Cod f)
 (Next f)))
 -- Result of (.) call: Need a ~ (LimitFam (Discrete (S n)) (~>) f)

 data Z
 data S n

 data Discrete :: * -> * -> * -> * where
   Z :: Discrete (S n) Z Z
   S :: Discrete n a a -> Discrete (S n) (S a) (S a)

 instance Category (Discrete Z) where
   src = undefined
   tgt = undefined
   (.) = undefined

 instance Category (Discrete n) => Category (Discrete (S n)) where
   src = undefined
   tgt = undefined
   (.) = undefined

 type family PredDiscrete (c :: * -> * -> *) :: * -> * -> *
 type instance PredDiscrete (Discrete (S n)) = Discrete n

 data Next :: * -> * where
   Next :: (Functor f, Dom f ~ Discrete (S n)) => f -> Next f

 type instance Dom (Next f) = PredDiscrete (Dom f)
 type instance Cod (Next f) = Cod f
 type instance Next f :% a = f :% S a

 instance (Functor f, Category (PredDiscrete (Dom f))) => Functor (Next f)
   Next f % Z     = f % S Z
   Next f % (S a) = f % S (S a)

 data Nat :: (* -> * -> *) -> (* -> * -> *) -> * -> * -> * where
   Nat :: (Functor f, Functor g, c ~ Dom f, c ~ Dom g, d ~ Cod f, d ~ Cod
     => f -> g -> (forall z. Obj c z -> Component f g z) -> Nat c d f g

 type Component f g z = Cod f (f :% z) (g :% z)

 newtype Com f g z = Com { unCom :: Component f g z }

 (!) :: (Category c, Category d) => Nat c d f g -> c a b -> d (f :% a) (g
 :% b)
 (!) = undefined

 natId :: Functor f => f -> Nat (Dom f) (Cod f) f f
 natId = undefined

 instance (Category c, Category d) => Category (Nat c d) where
   src = undefined
   tgt = undefined
   (.) = undefined

 type family Dom ftag :: * -> * -> *
 type family Cod ftag :: * -> * -> *

 class (Category (Dom ftag), Category (Cod ftag)) => Functor ftag where
   (%)  :: ftag -> Dom ftag a b -> Cod ftag (ftag :% a) (ftag :% b)

 type family ftag :% a :: *

 data Const (c1 :: * -> * -> *) (c2 :: * -> * -> *) x

 type instance Dom (Const c1 c2 x) = c1
 type instance Cod (Const c1 c2 x) = c2
 type instance Const c1 c2 x :% a = x

 instance (Category c1, Category c2) => Functor (Const c1 c2 x) where
   (%) = undefined

 type ConstF f = Const (Dom f) (Cod f)

 data TerminalUniversal x u a

 type Obj (~>) a = a ~> a

 class Category (~>) where
   src :: a ~> b -> Obj (~>) a
   tgt :: a ~> b -> Obj (~>) b
   (.) :: b ~> c -> a ~> b -> a ~> c

 Message is
     Could not deduce (BinaryProduct
                         (Cod f) (f :% Z) (LimitFam (Discrete n1) (Cod f)
 (Next f))
                       LimitFam (Discrete (S n)) (Cod f) f)
     from the context (Functor f,
                       Dom f ~ Discrete (S n),
                       HasLimits (Discrete n) (Cod f),
                       HasBinaryProducts (Cod f))
       bound by the type signature for
                  limitUniv' :: (Functor f,
                                 Dom f ~ Discrete (S n),
                                 HasLimits (Discrete n) (Cod f),
                                 HasBinaryProducts (Cod f)) =>
                                f -> LimitUniversal f
       at T4950.hs:(54,1)-(108,35)
     or from (S n ~ S n1, z ~ S a, z ~ S a)
       bound by a pattern with constructor
                  S :: forall n a. Discrete n a a -> Discrete (S n) (S a)
 (S a),
                in an equation for `h'
       at T4950.hs:102:14-34
     Expected type: Cod
                      (LimitFam (Discrete (S n)) (Cod f) f)
                      (LimitFam (Discrete n1) (Cod f) (Next f))
       Actual type: Cod
                      (BinaryProduct (Cod f) (f :% Z) (Limit (Next f)))
                      (Limit (Next f))
     In the second argument of `(.)', namely `p2'
     In the expression: undefined . p2
     In an equation for `h':
         h (S (n :: Discrete n a a))
           = undefined . p2
               p2 ::
                 Cod f (BinaryProduct (Cod f) (f :% Z) (Limit (Next f)))
 (Limit (Next f))
               p2 = proj2 x y

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/4950#comment:2>
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