#1363: Sourcing multi-line scripts in GHCi: track line numbers, and bail out 
first error
    Reporter:  Frederik          |        Owner:  vivian                    
        Type:  feature request   |       Status:  patch                     
    Priority:  normal            |    Milestone:  _|_                       
   Component:  GHCi              |      Version:  6.6                       
    Keywords:  multiline script  |     Testcase:                            
   Blockedby:                    |   Difficulty:  Moderate (less than a day)
          Os:  Unknown/Multiple  |     Blocking:                            
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |      Failure:  None/Unknown              

Comment(by vivian):

 > It would be good to have a test or two for `:script`, and also for the
 filenames and line numbers in errors.

 The test patch on this trac page has a test 'tests/ghc-
 regress.ghci/prog011' which (i) tests that the :script command works, (ii)
 generates an error in the script.  The linenumber and filename of the
 location of the error are correctly reported.

 > `sourceConfigFile` ought to set `progname` too.

 I can't seem to find `sourceConfigFile` (using find | grep)

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/1363#comment:20>
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