#5131: linux-powerpc : panic in stage1 compiler
    Reporter:  erikd    |       Owner:                    
        Type:  bug      |      Status:  new               
    Priority:  normal   |   Component:  Compiler          
     Version:  7.1      |    Keywords:                    
    Testcase:           |   Blockedby:                    
          Os:  Linux    |    Blocking:                    
Architecture:  powerpc  |     Failure:  Compile-time crash

Comment(by erikd):

 Currently trying the following patch.

 --- a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/Regs.hs
 +++ b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/Regs.hs
 @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ lmGlobalReg suf reg
          VanillaReg 4 _ -> wordGlobal $ "R4" ++ suf
          VanillaReg 5 _ -> wordGlobal $ "R5" ++ suf
          VanillaReg 6 _ -> wordGlobal $ "R6" ++ suf
 +        VanillaReg 7 _ -> wordGlobal $ "R7" ++ suf
          SpLim          -> wordGlobal $ "SpLim" ++ suf
          FloatReg 1     -> floatGlobal $"F1" ++ suf
          FloatReg 2     -> floatGlobal $"F2" ++ suf

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/5131#comment:1>
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