#4937: Remove indirections caused by sum types, such as Maybe
  Reporter:  tibbe            |          Owner:                  
      Type:  feature request  |         Status:  new             
  Priority:  normal           |      Milestone:  7.4.1           
 Component:  Compiler         |        Version:  7.0.1           
Resolution:                   |       Keywords:                  
  Testcase:                   |      Blockedby:                  
Difficulty:                   |             Os:  Unknown/Multiple
  Blocking:                   |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
   Failure:  None/Unknown     |  

Comment(by simonmar):

 Replying to [comment:11 tibbe]:
 > Couldn't we represent a sum of pointers (e.g. `data Either a b = Left a
 | Right b`) as a new heap object, a sum-pointer object, which uses tag
 bits to distinguish the constructors?

 But `Either` already is a heap object, and we have tag bits to distinguish
 `Left` from `Right` in the pointer itself.

 > This, together with the optimization to distinguish nullary
 constructors, would allow this data type to be represented with a single
 > {{{
 > data Elem k v = Null | Key k | Value v | Subtree (Tree k v)
 > }}}

 So think about the representation of `Elem (Elem k v) v'`.  You can't
 represent that with a single pointer, because you need two sets of tag

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/4937#comment:12>
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